
With Tarkovsky the fx never look dated (as far as I think off the top of my head anyway) - he doesn't necessarily use that many. But I reckon that should be a good rule for all directors - if you can't make it look how you want then keep it off screen, like with jaws.
You can't always tell, Terminator 2 looked one hundred percent real like magic to me when it came out but now it looks fake us fuck.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
With Tarkovsky the fx never look dated (as far as I think off the top of my head anyway) - he doesn't necessarily use that many. But I reckon that should be a good rule for all directors - if you can't make it look how you want then keep it off screen, like with jaws.
You can't always tell, Terminator 2 looked one hundred percent real like magic to me when it came out but now it looks fake us fuck.
Do you think part of the reason certain things look more dated than others, is because we are comparing it to what looks new rather than what looks real? Like maybe new fx has some kind of distinctive look that isn't entirely catering to what looks real.


Can be some of it I think. But also some look dated. You know those ones where they're driving a car (say) and it's obviously a screen in the back window. Probably it's coming at you from both sides with some being "of their time" and some being simply old.



watched Badlands again last night

still didn't love it compared to Malick's others, but the ending was fantastic, and some of the desert dust scenes, billowing up from the car, or the Victorian fire scene, really incredible

this shit is always hilarious — a webpage for how to dress like Badlands


it reminds me of the idea that all art romanticizes its subject, even if it explicitly disavows it/shows it as a parable of what not to be/do, there's something about aestheticizing it, making it visually beautiful/palpable—maybe most of all, vibey—that you can't get away from


Well-known member
I would love it if that vinyl making machine they have in badlands came back and was available in shopping centres, where you can make your own record.


Well-known member
I want the machines like smartphone cover kiosks in shopping centres, instant like photos, for the price of a milkshake or something, none of this sending off for 20 quid business


Well-known member
Just seen the david attenborough documentary on hummingbirds and it was fascinating. Did you know they need to feed every 15 minutes, and they consume more than their body weight in nectar on each feed?


Just watched a Russian (again, I know, sorry) film called Generation P - based on the novel of the same name by Pelevin who is kinda like a bad boy writer of the early 21st century I guess. I've only read one of his books and I didn't like it much but this film I did like. And it's very dissensus in how it mixes up the hyper-speed capitalism of 90s Russia (here represented by the protagonist's job in advertising) along with psychedelics in the form of a number of acid trips, and a load of stuff about ancient Babylon and answering riddles to win the right to couple in sexual union with the goddess Ishtar plus some Chechen gangsters and explosions and stuff for good measure. More Russian cynicism and mysticism in other words but at a greatly increased pace.



thread death
Has anyone seen this:

Sacha Baron Cohen plays Abbie Hoffman
If recommend checking this for something a little less glitzy and more factually accurate. It was first on Channel 4 in 1988 as part of a series of programmes reflecting on twenty years on from 68. Lots of great films but this stuck - the treatment of Seale is shocking and barbaric