Recent content by subframe

  1. subframe


    Douhat is interesting to read. I think Mittens is gonna try to basically own the Repubs, starting now. We'll see how Huckabee feels about that. I generally discount all the talk of the 'death of the GOP', but on the other hand it's fairly difficult to see how they're going to reconcile the...
  2. subframe

    questions you are dying to ask but are too scared to b/c of music nerd cred?

    Who's the vocalist on Milanese's Caramel Cognac?
  3. subframe

    The Big Hello Thread

    ha, thanks for the reminder, that was all I had on hand last night at home :slanted: switchin it up now, hold tight.
  4. subframe

    The Big Hello Thread

    can't complain listening to some new tunes I discovered thanks to this place. :cool:
  5. subframe


    <--- dsf member #21 :p I hadn't been over there for ages when they shut it down. I thought it was hilarious and brilliant. I suppose 3 days was just the right amount of time, although I personally would have held out a bit longer.
  6. subframe

    FUSION ONE [ revised and expanded final version ]

    damn, son. That's amazing. Gonna take me a while to figure this out :D
  7. subframe

    The Big Hello Thread

    yo. sup. I'm subframe. I live in San Francisco. How's it goin?
  8. subframe

    Musicophilia: I've started a mix blog

    hi. this is really good. thanks!