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  1. O

    Films you've seen recently and would unreservedly recommend:

    Good film. I saw a Roger Luckhurst lecture on gothic contemporary etc where he basically just talked about this film.
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    In the Ruins of the Digital

    I've seen a few clips of a new Assassin's Creed game, looks wild, you can slice through bamboo like a samurai and you can cut people's heads off.
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    Whither Liberalism?

    Chomsky's cute (glib) observation that authoritarians don't care what you think, but will police the fuck out of what you do... liberals can't or won't police what you do, so will need to find ways to control what you think.
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    The best songs ever made

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    surely they want for Mexico what Argentina have... a hardline messianic madman that they can sortof control, bonfire of the regulations, mass government shrinkage, dismantling of state institutions, huge military... kick backs to US energy companies, contracts for massive ramping up of mineral...
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    Have you been a fan?

    yeah he was obviously horrible, that was probably part of his appeal. It was a memorable gig, at the end he climbed on top of the sound desk and stood frozen shirtless arms outstretched for about 15 minutes bathed in strobe and noise. Of course he and it mean nothing now.
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    Have you been a fan?

    waited outside the LA2 back exit until 1am to see Alec Empire
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    Favourite ape/monkey

    wot no lemurs? tho they're prosimians - not monkeys/apes... but they're def swingers
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    David Lynch Thread

    i met his (young, beautiful, Irish American) girlfriend recently, best impromptu night out i've had in ages, ended up at some luxury squat in Bermondsey, she bought loads of expensive Irish whisky and was belting out old irish songs acapella, telling us about all the things they were working on...
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    In the Ruins of the Digital

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    J. H. Prynne

    Love this bit from The Prelude... when he meets the mountain The horizon's bound, a huge peak, black and huge, As if with voluntary power instinct, Upreared its head. Motion in the rock. The flow bereft. Prynne's long now. The sublime present continuous. Awe. Inlet is met by age passion...
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    ...slate roofs hunching like shoulders... buttresses... Mieville riffing on Peakean architecture (?) in Perdido Street Station. He doesn't have the luxurious suspension of Peake though, perhaps Mieville wants you to feel the pot-holes.
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    my nan reckons my grandad assumed the form of an owl when he died and now he haunts her hooting outside her window every night keeping her awake
  14. O

    what are you reading now?

    I started Perdido Street Station last night, it's pretty tasty... the interior walls of this building are described as "lachrymose", love that, all the Mervyn Peake comparisons starting to make sense
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    J. H. Prynne

    And OO is a sonic simulacrum for the owl's hoots. I think this is something that frustrates me in a good way about his stuff. When I see it I want to listen to it. When I listen to it I want to see it. It feels like resists its own delivery system lol
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    67 69
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    "the poet must not close his eyes"

    the opening from The Road imprinted itself on me when i read it ages ago, i often get the last phrase rolling through my head Nights dark beyond darkness and the days more gray each one than what had gone before. Like the onset of some cold glaucoma dimming away the world. cold glaucoma...
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    I was chatting to my mate, he was going on about Weber's theory of mystic rizz. Enchanted rizz. Rizzy rizz. Aura x a million. I think it's probably the key to some kind of grand unified theory of desire.
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    I agree, Dan Leno is the best. His book on the Thames is amazing. Also, the audio book, read by Simon Callow, is the best audiobook i've ever listened to.
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    Borges - Labyrinths (1641)

    The Boris Karloff readings of The Just So Stories are extraordinary