Search results

  1. J

    Might house replace electro as the new reigning pop sound? Your thoughts please.

    See here:
  2. J

    Best movie soundtracks of 2012?

    what gets your vote, folks?
  3. J

    name the sound!

    what tech is used for this effect? how would you term the sound? How would you describe the sound? It's the fizzing polyphonic train sound on the following. It's all over everything underground at the moment: where did it originate? spot playlist:
  4. J

    help me remember a children's short film

    does anyone remember a short film (origin: North American) set in a world where there is no sun. For one day only the sun comes out, and the children frolick in green pastures. Only the little boy character locks the little girl character in the toilet, and she misses the sun. I remember shards...