
Well-known member
Well it is. But in the course of doing that he discovers very interesting information. I think that's his model of human life is a good one. We are a site of contention. We are the spot of land everyone is fighting to occupy. I think this is the truth of the situation

I distrust all systematisers and avoid them. The will to a system shows a lack of honesty. (Nietzsche, 2007, pg 8)
A consistent system is a closed system, a tautological circuit like that of William Burroughs’ “everyday cause and effect universe, which is predictable because it is pre-recorded.” It allows no room for growth, surprise or, vitally, chance. This he contrasts with the magical universe “a universe of many gods, often in conflict.” (Burroughs, 1987 pg. 113) “spontaneous, unpredictable, alive” (Burroughs, 1987 pg. 59)

Right at the very end of Will to Power there is a passage which explicates Nietzsche’s view of the Universe. “It is… energy everywhere, the play of forces and force-waves, at the same time one and many, agglomerating here and diminishing there, a sea of forces storming and raging in itself, forever changing…” (Nietzsche, 2006, pg 490)

Let’s juxtapose that with Nietzsche’s view of the body as summarised by Klossowski

The body is the product of chance; it is nothing but the locus where a group of individuated impulses confront each other so as to produce this interval that constitutes a human life, impulses whose sole ambition is to deindividuate themselves.” (Klossowski, 2005 Pg 21)


Well-known member
“There are nothing but quantities of force in mutual “relations of tension”. Every force is related to others and it either obeys or commands. What defines a body is this relationship between dominant and dominated bodies” (Deleuze, 2006, pg. 40)

“for our organism is an oligarchy” (Nietzsche, 167, pg. 58) as Nietzsche himself puts it.

Both the constitution of and relationship between these forces is inherently unstable, volatile, and perpetually changing.

“frequencies replace one another on a CONTINUUM OF INTENSITY.

As the dial is turned different kinds of

become possible
New horizons come into focus
Altered capacities for feeling/other intensities.

What once
Lay beyond the curtain of the imaginable
Becomes commonplace/ what once was sweetest pleasure
Is now forbidden-
-Outside the sphere of the possible
Quite cloaked in shadows” (Davis, 2016)


Well-known member
Dissensus actually embodies this in some sense, you can get at it, in that the feedback you get can push and pull you in varying directions. If you picture yourself as the central pillar on the kabbalistic tree of life and receiving tugs and shoves from its various nodes, and those nodes taking the form of specific comments and reactions


Well-known member
All the people I have ever met return. That is misleading. They return, not in body, but instead, take it in turns to haunt my head.

I remember them by thinking their thoughts and by hearing their voices. I have lost a little of myself to these others. Their responses become mine. They saddle me with prejudices and strange desires. I mimic their mouthing of syllables, their turn of phrase. Sometimes I see their faces as I think their thoughts. See the way they moved or sucked on cigarettes. I live reality through the eyes of others. Possessed.


Well-known member
you get this again in his warnings about magnetic, charismatic people. they make an impression on you. introjection. the others voice hitching a ride in your head.
agents. occupying your coordinate points. squatters in the tower. they look through the periscope of your eyes. what do they want?


Well-known member
And know too that you choose a side which is as much as to say, you serve a master. That you have allies and that you have enemies. To serve world
or self, the gods or the demons.
even the hermit has chosen.
The hermit chooses but does not act upon his choice unless forced. But if forced his allegiance will be revealed. It is the hermit who tips the scales when the battle is in the balance.
LEAF RAIN. Very gentle. Grey sky. Modest light. Barking of seagulls.


Well-known member


Well-known member
Very funny bit in retreat where he mentions Burroughs offering ginsberg and orlovsky a free psychoanalysis session and they get obviously way more stressed and fucked up afterwards


Well-known member
“Panic is the sudden realization that everything around you is alive.”

This is exactly how I felt on a bad trip; like waking up in a pit of snakes, everything dangerous, moving.


Binary & Tweed
Obligatory biomolecule gif:

We are composed of probably quintillions of things like this, and yet our common, shared reality is utterly ignorant of such complexity.


Binary & Tweed
I'm pretty sure the actual units of these systems defy matter as we macroscopically know it, hence why I refer to it all as a sprawling superstructure of energy/mass. Seems to even defy our concept of units.

But awakening consciousness in light of this blistering intricacy is proving quite challenging.


Well-known member
I struggle to picture it any other way.

If you looked at the world through a certain lens then I imagine it would look something like TV static due to the number of organisms jittering about on every level.


Binary & Tweed
Yeah TV static is a great metaphor for some phenomena that is unable to be rendered intelligible by some information register.


Binary & Tweed
But whats crazy is that the scale varies so widely that some of these structures are absolutely dwarfed by even the smallest of biological systems, depending on where you draw the biological line and what you consider a structure.


Binary & Tweed
Its a resolution of consciousness I often find scathing and frightening, but I'm gradually acquiescing to living in it.