Tartare Sauce.


Well-known member
Ultimately, tartar sauce gets its name from the Golden Horde Mongols who invaded Europe in the 13th century, who were known to the locals as Tartars. This name comes from confusion over their allies the Tatars, because of whom the Europeans called Mongolia Tartary. This misnomer came from associating the name Tatar with the Greek mythological hell known as Tartarus.


Well-known member
This is like a dugin move amirite? I think it's a good advert for dissensus if people who are thinking of joining click on the 'music' thread and see a thread about tartare sauce.


one of my favorite decolonising activities is uncovering ideologically suppressed etymologies
"mushroom" for instance, sounds like an arabic word to me, and whatever alternative the dictionaries say is not that convincing

there was a lot of bashfulness about accepting non-classical derivations back in the days