
bandz ahoy
Well, like I said he's imitating Austen mainly only in one book...

But go for it. I've only read Pride and Prejudice but it was as good as everyone says it is IMO.


Well-known member
The plot thickens when you consider Harrison Ford who played Deckard worked as a carpenter for a while and built a deck for Joan Didion in the 70s.


in je ogen waait de wind
something like lermontov's a hero of our time maybe.

"Meanwhile we had finished our tea. Outside, the horses had been harnessed long since and were now standing shivering in the snow; the moon, becoming pale in the western sky, was about to immerse itself in the black clouds that trailed like tattered bits of a torn curtain from the mountain peaks in the distance. We stepped out of the hut. Contrary to my companion's prediction, the weather had cleared and promised a calm morning. The dances of stars, intertwined in a fantastic pattern in the distant heavens, went out one after another as the pale glimmer of the east spread out over the dark lilac sky, gradually casting its glow on the steep mountainsides blanketed by virginal snow. To right and left yawned gloomy, mysterious abysses, and the mist, coiling and twisting like a snake, crawled into them along the cracks and crevices of the cliffs as if in fearful anticipation of the coming day."