Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
It wouldn't surprise me in the least but he also would, I think, go along with the kind of thing we were presenting in the harlequin thread in which other entities express themselves through humans without being identical with them. A kind of intersection of identity.

Knowing him, that is EXACTLY what he thinks!


Well-known member
It's a cool idea. A good way to frame stuff. A good thread. I didn't invent it obviously. Sadly. It's there in right wing conspiratorial ideas of pop stars being subject to demonic posession. It's there even in the very notion of the muse


in je ogen waait de wind
Saw this on FB, thought yyaldrin would like it:

View attachment 2171

there's a conspiracy around him making the virus because he ran some sort of virus outbreak simulation a year ago where they came up with a scenario that is identical to that of the corona virus:

personally i keep thinking everybody is extremely overreacting? for example i saw several people wearing face masks today in berlin. reminds me of the silly panic surrounding the millennium bug and the mexican flu.


in je ogen waait de wind
i'd probably die of vanity if a real pandemic would happen. i don't want to be among the first to wear a mask like that and once it's clear you really do need one i will be to stubborn to admit my misjudgement.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
First of all, tea, none of what's been said in this thread has changed my feelings towards you. As I said before, I respect your right to your opinion. Some of which I feel the need to put up a contrary opinion against because, well, that's just how it goes on bbs' and it would be boring if we all agreed and we would have to change the site name. You're a solid dude and also one of the low key funniest people on here. But because of where we're both at, we're bound to get into it if we open up the worm can. It never gets anywhere because we're too attached to our views and therefore tend to filter what the other one says into our projection of them and ignore points that might actually be an overlap in our venn diagram. Personally I don't believe science and mysticism are mutuly exclusive and you said something similar further back in the thread. Where your pov expresses itself with rational, grounded and sensical explanations. Mine can be more subjective and open to interpretation. It doesn't rely on sense as much as imagination. So yeah that leaves me open to all kinds of swaying in the wrong direction, but please believe me that I am in no way enamoured with either Icke or Jones. But, I would never write them off as abhorrent individuals who would be better erased from society. I just don't work like that. I like to try to have compassion for people and understand how they came to be who they are and see the good in them whenever possible. But having said that, I barely spent any time digging into either guy at all anyway. Ultimately I think they're an inevitable symptom of our times and there is a big market for those kinds of people. It's just a shame that it tends to be only the extremists from that camp who ever get the air time that could be given to much more grounded and rational people. I'd say Chris Hedges, John Pilger and people like that with plenty of in the field experience would be much more healthy figureheads for a truther movement, but I just don't see that happening because they don't have the same type of charisma that sells the way Jones and Icke do. There is one guy, a comedian, Jimmy Dore who has a podcast and appears on stuff like the Joe Rogan podcast who is pretty good at getting irate and keeping it funny. And in fact I think that's the key to dealing with these issues, is to have a sense of humour about it to make your ranting palatable, which I of course lack. But yeah. Anyway no hard feelings.

Sorry, belated response - thanks for that, and I do see where you're coming from.

P.S. 9/11 was an inside job.

Nah man, it was aliens all the way!


Well-known member
You Can Now Go to Jail in China for Criticizing Beijing’s Coronavirus Response --

On Wednesday, the World Health Organization was effusive in its praise of the Chinese government’s response to the coronavirus outbreak, but inside the country, the government is working overtime to make sure any shortcomings in its response don’t come to light.

These efforts include arresting dozens of social media users who spread “false information without verification.” One of those arrested turned out to be a doctor on the front line of the fights to contain the virus who shared information about the unknown illness with a private WeChat group. The doctor, who was forced to sign a document saying he would abide by the law, has since been infected with the coronavirus and remains in a critical condition.

This week, police in the port city of Tianjin detained a man for 10 days for “maliciously publishing aggressive, insulting speech against medical personnel” after he criticized the response to the outbreak in a WeChat group he shared with his friends.

China’s huge online censorship system, known as the Great Firewall, is also censoring any information the government deems to be “rumor.”

Examples of this include posts by families of infected people seeking help, by people living in quarantined cities documenting their daily life, and by those criticizing the government’s handling of the crisis.

In a bid to make sure people don’t even try and spread such “rumors” on Chinese social media, the government announced this week that anyone who tries to "disrupt social order" by posting on social media information from sources other than state-run media, will face between three and seven years in jail.

In a bid to counteract any negative commentary about the government’s response to the outbreak, state-backed media outlets have been producing gushing reports about Beijing’s efforts to address the crisis.

These include numerous videos of the new hospital being built in Wuhan, all set to stirring background music.

These efforts also include sharing fake images of the new hospital.

The images, which actually show a modular apartment building more than 600 miles away in Qingdao, were posted by the verified Twitter accounts of the Global Times and the People’s Daily, both state-run publications, in an apparent bid to show the hospital construction as more advanced than it really was.

The image was also shared by the Twitter account of Lijian Zhao, the deputy director-general of the information department in the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Well-known member
Well, it's a strange detail which may or not be true that's part of a wider thing involving Hollywood elites, ex-intelligence agency personnel and God knows what else, so I think it fits.


Well-known member
You're not gonna find me chasing UFOs and whatnot, but I'll look into it and mull it over from time to time.