at least we can spell clever you bellend
autistic foreplay
autoflatular narcosis
barty's entertainment
bell end pantomime
concerned parent
craner's aggressive gargling lounge act
den of despair
disgusting old men
erectile dysfunction
finger wagging
i blame twitter
i've got mates
john's mates
josef and his technicoloured meme coat
josef k's sick burns
kanye without the talent
meritless thread
no wonder brits sneeked into ira centcom
north london house mafia
not angry just disappointed
not what john was hoping for
orange penguin bars
paying dress up
piety as surrogate sexual dominance
semantic apocalypse now
she's not going to fuck you!!!
sid viscous vs robocock
such bloody awful poetry
the evola virus
trying to shag a lecturer half my age
turd reich
vanquishing the goblin nonce
vim's sensual meringue hostility group
vimothy killed jungle
vimothy's hectoring
wait till dad gets home
we're not going to shag her joe
what are you trying to achieve?
what is the end goal?
what is the point of this thread?
who cares?
world's worst dinner party
you lot aren't as cleaver as you think
z haterzzzzzzz
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