corpseys bum passage filled up with wine gums

  1. Corpsey

    2024 EOY lists

    I hardly listen to new music anymore but maybe this will help? It usually does a BIT
  2. W

    Congo Flu Original title likely in bad taste
  3. line b

    Dating advice from corpsey

    In this thread the seasoned @Corpsey will give dating advice to young @kid charlemagne
  4. mixed_biscuits

    The Democrat War on Transgender People, Drag Queens, and Queerness in General

    Once again I called it early and correctly: when "weird" became a derogatory term the Democrats were indeed signalling that their support for the misfitting progressive darlings was coming to an end as their party shifted centrewards in the scrabble for votes. I say this because the progressive...
  5. 0bleak

    anyone in the states seen one of these "beauties"?
  6. vershy versh

    Help Corpsey Choose a Religion

    Jack recently confided in me that he was considering converting to Islam, but he said he wanted to keep his options open and have a browse around before making a decision. With that in mind, let's help out our old pal.
  7. vershy versh

    The Assassin

    Someone was saying the other day that Abe has to be up there as one of the most successful political assassinations as the bloke not only killed his target but also achieved his wider aim of exposing the links between Japanese politics and the Moonies and even managed to generate public sympathy...
  8. Mr. Tea

    The cannabis debate

    There's been a lot in the papers recently about the modern cannabis strains which are supposedly 25 times stronger than those from twenty years ago (which I'm somewhat sceptical of, as it happens) and the connection between this and current levels mental illness (particularly schizophrenia) in...