dissensus = mojo

  1. sufi

    Music you pretended to like

    ...did it ever grow on you, or did you just abandon the pretence (and admit that there was only ever 1 Fall track you could remotely stomach) ???
  2. B

    Canonic Albums by Artists Who You Love and Revere But For Some Reason This One Bypasses You Almost Completely

    Velvet Underground - White Light, White Heat The Beatles - The Beatles aka White Album The Band - Music From Big Pink David Bowie - "Heroes" Can - Ege Bamyasi Rolling Stones - Exile on Main Street (exceptions with these albums being The Obvious Singles e.g. "'Heroes'", "The Weight" - even...
  3. S

    Joy Division

    Joy Division. How did you discover them? How did they connect/disconnect? What do they mean to you and to the world?