empty mirror
remember the jackalope
*plink plink plink*
i think a few more gray hairs popped up
thanks all!
i think a few more gray hairs popped up
thanks all!
great thread
I think part of me has always been a grown up
Like with bleeding radiators and fixing stuff - I got given tools by one aunt for my birthday since I was about ten, had my own toolbox when sharing a house with people at college. Ended up doing things like putting a new lock on the front door on a Saturday morning because someone had come back pissed the night before and wrecked it.
In fact I still end up lending tools to another Dissensus poster who will remain nameless on a semi-regular basis
I also think liking bitter foods helps make you a grownup.
You need at least one "friend" you thoroughly dislike, have known for years and still see semi-regularly.
PGUs don't seem to be wracked with self-loathing either.
I'm sure there is some "To be a PGU you must first understand there is no PGU" type zen involved here. Then you can transcend by realising that no PGU would consciously think that there is such a thing as "being" a PGU, let alone making a thread about it and acronising* the term...
*New word?
You need at least one brown item of clothing.
stop listening to rap music, start listening to jazz
Also, they do not have a single particular album, or small set of albums, that they always smoke to.
Fuck, PTA's should be past this last bit. Although all too often I come across people for whom this is the case...*shudder*