vershy versh

Well-known member

6 years ago
Just raw as... I'm whipping my Mountain bike on single track in the dark in Hobart, and this is giving me rushes that take me back to 93 and those little dove numbers... over 20 years later and this still holds the title.
Shouts out to all that dropped this tune then, and those that still froth on it now!!


bandz ahoy
Friend on FB shared this with me, pre jungle/hardcore Randall sets from centreforce FM



pass the sick bucket
Friend on FB shared this with me, pre jungle/hardcore Randall sets from centreforce FM

add me on fb cunt

check yer pm. also who shared that? Ben Williams aka nebkins on tuneid/rolldabeats runs that blog. sometimes corpsey you far excel dissensus and its provintialism like when you were listening to ok williams on nts shell techno and electro, but then you get bullied by the nefariously philistine craner effect.


bandz ahoy
Nice tribute from Andy C. Reminded me of when I would be excited to see a certain DJ... Probably back in the D&B and dubstep days mainly
