Terribly embarrassing but when lit profs talked about "voice" I never made the connection to the literal throat and tongue, it was always prose style in my head, silent read-it-to-yourself, more like tics and personality than intonation.
And then listening to Pound read I realized he does this fake Northumbrian accent to make his poems work, it sounds weird if you don't read them that way, even before I heard him read, I sorta did an approximation.
And of course there's the Wake, where Irish speech patterns are baked in.
It's not just accents and dialect though, it's the kinds of words and grammatical structures that a sort of person would use. Spoken voice encodes gender, age, culture, class. It would be very weird to hear John Wayne read the Wake.
So I've been working on composing lines out loud, messing around with different voices, trying to find a voice I like. I think I'll have to learn the New England / New Dutch accent a bit, and maybe the Brooklyn accent, so I can try to write about those areas in an appropriate voice.
Mainly I am curious if anyone else has thought about this stuff, if they can point me to things to read or keep thinking about it all. Advice for developing.
And then listening to Pound read I realized he does this fake Northumbrian accent to make his poems work, it sounds weird if you don't read them that way, even before I heard him read, I sorta did an approximation.
And of course there's the Wake, where Irish speech patterns are baked in.
It's not just accents and dialect though, it's the kinds of words and grammatical structures that a sort of person would use. Spoken voice encodes gender, age, culture, class. It would be very weird to hear John Wayne read the Wake.
So I've been working on composing lines out loud, messing around with different voices, trying to find a voice I like. I think I'll have to learn the New England / New Dutch accent a bit, and maybe the Brooklyn accent, so I can try to write about those areas in an appropriate voice.
Mainly I am curious if anyone else has thought about this stuff, if they can point me to things to read or keep thinking about it all. Advice for developing.