bandz ahoy
I've only done two in the past
1. At the BFI: The Exorcist and Hellraiser, stoned out of my skull, absolute class, Hellraiser particularly, although nothing was quite as scary as my pre-film paranoia when the lights were still up and I was struggling to hold onto reality
2. At home, a few years ago: Drag Me To Hell and Mandy. Great combo, a right larf followed by a mind-melting psychedelic grindhouse thing that in retrospect might have been a load of old bollocks but I was (can you guess what it is yet?) stoned out of my skull so it really worked.
1. At the BFI: The Exorcist and Hellraiser, stoned out of my skull, absolute class, Hellraiser particularly, although nothing was quite as scary as my pre-film paranoia when the lights were still up and I was struggling to hold onto reality
2. At home, a few years ago: Drag Me To Hell and Mandy. Great combo, a right larf followed by a mind-melting psychedelic grindhouse thing that in retrospect might have been a load of old bollocks but I was (can you guess what it is yet?) stoned out of my skull so it really worked.