What's your Halloween double bill tonight then?


bandz ahoy
I've only done two in the past

1. At the BFI: The Exorcist and Hellraiser, stoned out of my skull, absolute class, Hellraiser particularly, although nothing was quite as scary as my pre-film paranoia when the lights were still up and I was struggling to hold onto reality

2. At home, a few years ago: Drag Me To Hell and Mandy. Great combo, a right larf followed by a mind-melting psychedelic grindhouse thing that in retrospect might have been a load of old bollocks but I was (can you guess what it is yet?) stoned out of my skull so it really worked.


is not like other people
I've only done two in the past

1. At the BFI: The Exorcist and Hellraiser, stoned out of my skull, absolute class, Hellraiser particularly, although nothing was quite as scary as my pre-film paranoia when the lights were still up and I was struggling to hold onto reality

2. At home, a few years ago: Drag Me To Hell and Mandy. Great combo, a right larf followed by a mind-melting psychedelic grindhouse thing that in retrospect might have been a load of old bollocks but I was (can you guess what it is yet?) stoned out of my skull so it really worked.


bandz ahoy
This is on bfi player too



bandz ahoy
And this

These are all a bit too arty for Halloween double bill though 🤔


bandz ahoy
I did the evil dead 1 and 2 double bill

The first one was definitely entertaining and grisly (a BIT scary in places) and the second was one of the most entertaining films I've ever seen (not really scary at all).

Perfect Halloween double bill really.


bandz ahoy
Just watched "It Follows". Quite interesting and a clever concept but didn't find it to be very scary, so I'm bitterly disappointed.

Also if I got given the sex curse and has to pass it on I'd be fucked. I wonder could I pass it onto a blow up doll then just post it from location to location every six months?


bandz ahoy
Definitely need to make "It Follows 2" where the demon just keeps following the cursed person around various social platforms and liking all their posts. Arf.


in je ogen waait de wind
is nothing too scary or bloody for you guys? i can't handle most horrors, i find it too repulsive, which makes me wonder if i really am an adult or still a child?

line b

Well-known member
I can't imagine being too shocked by any media except for maybe real life snuff films at this point


in je ogen waait de wind
i drove through the city on my bicycle last night and some people were dressed for halloween and there was one person who looked as of half of her face was eaten by some animal, it was all blood and flesh. i guess it was done with make-up, but it looked so realistic. it scared me and i thought she should be arrested.