I'm a freelancer now


Well-known member

Properly back in The Netherlands and broke now which means that I should make use of my registration with the chamber of commerce.
Hence, it is time to return to freelance business of electronic music consulting and education:

If you ever wanted to learn a thing or two, consult or even completely guide through building a project, be that
a wacky digital synth,
a drum machine sequenced based on traditional folk rhythms from Bulgaria,
a chaotic, generative universe to generate ever-changing pad sounds for your chill out room,
a scientifically informed breakbeat chopper running on your phone,
the most hellish feedback echo effect you've heard?

Mix/master your track you made completely zooted out and don't know where to start?

Or just learn how to apply cybernetics to digital synthesis?

Say no more...

Providing services especially related to:
- Max MSP - basic and advanced
I have a degree in this apparently. I did a short intro do Max here a while but to be completely fair that was before I had the couple years of academic tech teaching exp I have now, it might have been a little wacky back then. not the case any more. pure structure and banter.
- Ableton Live - basic and advanced
probably irrelevant on this forum some folks probably have been using DAWs longer than I've been alive
- SuperCollider
compooter music classic. don't miss your chance to become one those guys...
- plugin programming!
plugdata, max4live, or C++ JUCE if you're hardcore
- Digital Synthesis / Digital Signal Processing
theory through practice etc. in Max and Python
- other stuff
at request

szawiarz at proton.me