I know children of alcoholics (and smokers) and it puts them off fof life. But equally I know 9ther children and they are all in.
The funny thing is that I was definitely headed that direction after so much contact with my mom's menthol 100s which would sometimes make me physically sick especially if she was smoking in the car.
I was probably also the person that complained the most about it.
BUT, one day, after I had moved away for the first time, and to another city, and without food, a girl leaves a carton of cigarettes at my place and they start to become more tempting and enticing, so naturally...
The next time I visited my family they were so shocked - just absolutely flabbergasted.
Been a very regular lifelong smoker in the decades ever since and don't think I will ever quit. This after done so many other supposedly addictive things from crack to meth (meth is my fave).
I was just smoking in the garage again before writing this, and pretty soon i'll prolly be out there again chainsmoking into the wee hours of the night...