Everyone remembers the opening of Frankenstein: a ship sailing through ice, the story told through letters sent home. Nosferatu is narrated the same way. The poet William Cowper coined the phrase "armchair traveller" to describe the pleasure of reading accounts of foreign journeys:
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cf "When My Ship Comes In"
My imagination is so captivated upon these occasions, that I seem to partake with the navigators, in all the dangers they encountered. I lose my anchor; my main-sail is rent into shreds; I kill a shark, and by signs converse with a Patagonian, and all this without moving from my fireside.’
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Turner: ‘I did not paint it to be understood, but I wished to show what such a scene was like. I got the sailors to lash me to the mast to observe it. I was lashed for four hours, and I did not expect to escape; but I felt bound to record it if I did. But no one had any business to like the picture’.
Nolan: "The painter having undergone this experience in all its edifying absurdity reveals art as a technique of suffering and defiant survival, whose representative figure is Odysseus"
Artist enacts the monomyth. Journeys beyond the walled garden into the wilderness. Literal wilderness, shamanic psychic wilderness. Sees wonders uncharted. Goes back home with a map.
cf "When My Ship Comes In"