Captain's Log / Reports from the Interior


Everyone remembers the opening of Frankenstein: a ship sailing through ice, the story told through letters sent home. Nosferatu is narrated the same way. The poet William Cowper coined the phrase "armchair traveller" to describe the pleasure of reading accounts of foreign journeys:

My imagination is so captivated upon these occasions, that I seem to partake with the navigators, in all the dangers they encountered. I lose my anchor; my main-sail is rent into shreds; I kill a shark, and by signs converse with a Patagonian, and all this without moving from my fireside.’

from "kevin nolan capital calves":

Turner: ‘I did not paint it to be understood, but I wished to show what such a scene was like. I got the sailors to lash me to the mast to observe it. I was lashed for four hours, and I did not expect to escape; but I felt bound to record it if I did. But no one had any business to like the picture’.
Nolan: "The painter having undergone this experience in all its edifying absurdity reveals art as a technique of suffering and defiant survival, whose representative figure is Odysseus"

Artist enacts the monomyth. Journeys beyond the walled garden into the wilderness. Literal wilderness, shamanic psychic wilderness. Sees wonders uncharted. Goes back home with a map.

cf "When My Ship Comes In"



I'm thinking too about how the Romantic era is about vastness, and spanning great distances in time and space. Ozymandias, the watcher in the sea of fog, Wordsworth hiking mountains, crossing the Carpathians, visiting Tahiti, staring at the stars through telescopes, staring at bacteria through microscopes. It's all about lenses and the imagination and visiting other worlds. There is maybe something Romantic even about TikTok. There is a reason the board's resident Romantic poetshaman watches weird YouTube videos, they are windows into other worlds.


The Scarlet Letter does it too I think. All about how the document was found in a trunk in attic or something. Vonnegut is fond of an author’s forward which are slightly different to what you’re describing.
I don't remember all that much about Jekyll and Hyde now but I do remember really enjoying the Russian Doll sort of narrative where it's all letters and second hand accounts etc.

I think this might have been quite a common device in the novel, esp. in its earlier years, this distancing device to make things seem more plausible? Immediately Gulliver's Travels springs to mind.
Yep. Those early novels are full of these devices - not just letters but diaries, news reports - Dracula is a good example. I think generally that game playing attitude which we associate with post modernism is there very early - Defoe getting in trouble for suggesting he’s telling a true story about Robinson Crusoe. Liaison’s Dangerous is a fantastic epistolary novel.


This also connects to the idea of shaman journeys and psychic/psychedelic/spiritual journeys. The trip report. You cross over / break through to the other side and then you bring something back. A boon, a trophy. Or maybe just text. Maybe text is the greatest boon you can bring back. Charles Mann, in his writing on pre-Columbian Amerindian civilizations, talks about how the Spanish burning the Mexica codices, and the Inkan quipu, is one of history's great losses. Instead they brought back precious metals that were squandered in luxury, or financed wars--which, at least, ended up in Dutch pockets funding a golden literary age.


bandz ahoy
Although maybe it is a 'distancing device' in terms of selling a narrative, the effect of these letters within letters within locked boxes etc. is to REEL ME IN, there's a delicious sense of burrowing deep into a world, I feel similarly about the fake history of Middle Earth


Although maybe it is a 'distancing device' in terms of selling a narrative, the effect of these letters within letters within locked boxes etc. is to REEL ME IN, there's a delicious sense of burrowing deep into a world, I feel similarly about the fake history of Middle Earth
Yes, like discovering archaeological artifacts. A gradual uncovering. Brushing away the sands. What's been buried in the sandbox by the adults (author)?


Herodotus is a good example of the Compiler or Sifter figure a la Brothers Grimm. Not the captain's log but the person who collects them.

Or the al-Andalusian Maqamat, which are often compilations of wisdom/knowledge/stories/reports from afar. "Foreign affairs." Strange flora and fauna at the edge of the map. Wilderness outside the floating island/walled garden. News of other floating islands/walled gardens.


Well-known member
Aristeas, in Seven Years.
gathering the heat to himself, in one thermic
hazard, he took himself out: to catch up with
the tree, the river, the forms of alien vantage
And hence the first way
By theft into the upper world – “a
natural development from the mixed
economy in the drier or bleaker
regions, where more movement was
necessary” – and thus the
floodloam, the deposit, borrowed for
the removal. Call it inland, his
nose filled with steam & his brief cries,
Aristeas took up it
seems with the
singular as the larch
tree, the
Greek sufficient
for that. From Marmora
And sprang with that double twist into the
Middle world and thence took flight over the
Scythian hordes and to the Hyperborean,
Touch of the north wind
carrying with him Apollo. Song
his transport but this divine
insistence the pastural clan:
sheep, elk, the wild deer. In each case
the presence in embryo, god of the shep-
herd and fixed in the movement of flock.
Wrung over the real tracts. If he was
frozen like the felted eagle of Pazyryk,
he too had the impossible lower twist,
the spring into the middle, the air.
From here comes
the north wind, the
remote animal
gold – how did
he, do we, know
or trust this>
Following the raven and
sniffing hemp as the
other air, it was
himself as the singular that he knew and
could outlast in the long walk by the
underground sea. Where he was as
the singular
location so completely portable
that with the merest black
wings he could survey the
stones and rills in their
complete mountain courses,
in name the displacement
And his songs were invocations in no frenzy
of spirit, but clear and spirituous tones from the
pure base of his mind; and he heard the small
currents in the air & they were truly his aid:
In breath he could speak out into the northern
air and the phrasing curved from his mouth
and nose, into the cold mountain levels. It
was the professed Apollo, free of the festive line,
powdered with light snow.
And looking down, then, it is no outlay
to be seen in
the forests, or
scattered rising
of ground. No
cheap cigarettes nothing
with the god in this
climate is free of duty
moss, wormwood as the cold
star, the dwarf Siberian pine
as from the morainal deposits
of the last deglaciation.
Down there instead the long flowing hair,
of great herds of sheep and cattle, the
drivers of these, their feet more richly
thickened in use than
any slant of their
mongoloid face or
long, ruched garments.
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With his staff, the larch-pole, that again the
singular and one axis of the errant world.
Prior to the pattern of settlement then, which
is the passing flocks fixed into wherever
they happened to stop,
the spirit demanded the orphic metaphor
as fact
that they did migrate and the spirit excursion
was no more than the need and will of the
flesh. The term, as has been pointed out,
is bone, the
flesh burned or rotted off but the
branch calcined like what
It was: like that: as itself
the skeleton of the possible
in a heap and covered with
stones or a barrow.
Leaving the flesh vacant then, in a fuller’s shop,
Aristeas removed himself for seven years
Into the steppes, preparing his skeleton and the
Song of his departure, his flesh anyway touched
by the in-
vading Cimmerian
twilight. “ruinous”
as the old woman’s
And who he was took the
collection of seven
years to thin out, to the
fume laid across where
he went, direction north,
No longer settled
but settled now into length; he wore that
as risk. The garment of bird’s feathers,
while he watched the crows fighting the
owls with the curling tongues
of flame proper to the Altaic
hillside, as he was himself
more than this. The
spread is more, the
vantage is singular
as the clan is without centre.

Each where as
the extent of day deter-
mines, where the
sky holds (the brightness
dependent on that).
And Apollo is in any case seasonal, the
divine “used only of a particular god,
never as a general term.” The Hyper
borean paradise was likewise no general
term but the mythic duration of
spirit into the bone
laid out in patterns
on the ground
“the skulls are sent on hunting
journeys, the foot-prints alongside;
that towards which they journey
they turn them towards, so that
they will follow behind.”
From the fuller’s shop as from
The camp of the seal hunter,
Some part of the bone must be twisted
& must twist, as the stages of Cimmerian
Wandering, viz:
1. 1800-13th Century B.C, north
of the Caucasus, then
2. 13th-8th Centuries, invaded
by the Scythians and deflected
Southwards & to the west. And
3. After that, once more displaced
(8th Century to maybe 500 B.C.),
The invasion of Asia Minor,
“ruinous”, as any settled and complaisant fixture
on the shoreline would regard the movement of
pressure irreducible by trade or bribery. Hence
the need to catch up, as a response to cheap money
and how all that huddle could
be drawn out
into the tenuous upper
reach, the fine chatter
of small birds under the
head of the sky
(sub divus columine)


Well-known member
on the western slope of the Urals and the scatter
of lightning, now out of doors and into
the eagle span,
the true condition of bone
which is no more singular or settled or the
entitled guardian even, but the land of the
dead. Why are they lost, why do they
always wander, as if seeking
their end and drawing after them
the trail and fume of burning hemp?
Or they are not lost but
Passing: “If thoughtless abandonment
To the moment were really a blessing, I
Had actually been in ‘the Land of the
But it was not blessing, rather a fact so
hard-won that only the twist in the middle
air would do it anyway, so even he be wise
or with any recourse to the darkness of
his tent. The sequence of issue is no
more than this,
Apollo’s price, staff
leaning into the
ground and out

through the smoke-hole.
It is the spirit which dies
As the figure of change, which
Is the myth and fact of extent,
Which thus does start from
Marmora, or Aklavik, right
Out of the air.

No one harms these people: they
are sacred and have no
weapons. They sit or pass, in
the form of divine song,
They are free in the apt form of
displacement. They change
their shape, being of the essence as
a figure of extent. Which
for the power in rhyme
is gold, in this northern clime
which the Greeks so held to themselves and
which in the steppe was no more
than the royal figment.

This movement was of
course cruel beyond belief, as this
was the risk Aristeas took
with him. The conquests were for the motive of
sway, involving massive slaughter as the
obverse politics of claim. That is, slaves and
animals, life and not value. “the western Sar-
matian tribes lived side by side not in a loose
tribal configuration, but had been welded
into an organised imperium
under the leadership of one
royal tribe.” Royalty
as plural. Hence the calender as taking of
life, which left gold as the side-issue, pure

Guarded by the griffins, which lived close to the
mines, the gold reposed as the divine brilliance,
petrology of the sea air, so far from the shore
The beasts dug the metal out with
their eagle beaks, rending in the
cruel frost of that earth, and
yet they were the guardians, the figure of flight
and heat and the northern twist of the axis.
His name Aristeas, absent for
these seven years: we should
pay them or steal, it is no
more than the question they ask.



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im definitely not. version hsa never left his mid-sized northern town. corpsey isnt.


That's the other side isn't it. Foreign regions of the mind.

We talk about the environment as an agent but there is something landscapelike about an agent's mind