Jeremy Corbyn


Well-known member
To me, and many others who've followed Corbyn's (lack of) pronouncements on Syria, it comes over as providing cover for Assad and Putin. I posted a link upthread which gives a fuller context.

I haven't followed the timeline too closely, but I imagine that Corbyn's call for investigation probably took place well before there was any definitive evidence either way, as did Trump's ridiculous posturing attack on some empty hangars and a runway.

I'm no expert on the day to day back and forth of the conflict but I suspect it does "make sense" in in the context of a horrendous war - there was a suprise offensive launched by rebels in Hama in 2017 and the attack can be seen as retailatory. Khan Sheikhoun is one of the first towns over the border controlled by the rebels.

Ri-ght... so the forces that are essentially winning the conflict and maintain overwhelming air superiority and military power decide to launch literally the only kind of attack that will draw international condemnation and probable military response from the West. They could have carpet bombed the place and killed everyone and only received a tenth of the coverage.

It doesnt make any sense at all.


Well-known member
Always been a bit dubious about that point. Nobody can have an opinion about a country they have never visited? Where does it stop? Don't speak the language? Haven't met the leaders?

Show some balls. My sisters ex was interested. Went there. Filed reports. Interesting lad


Beast of Burden
It does actually, because these forces don't seem to be as cohesive and confident as they project. The confidence comes from Russian and Iranian support, but government militias are taking on a life of their own, and threatening the authority of the Assad clan. By some accounts.


Wild Horses
I haven't followed the timeline too closely, but I imagine that Corbyn's call for investigation probably took place well before there was any definitive evidence either way, as did Trump's ridiculous posturing attack on some empty hangars and a runway.

Ri-ght... so the forces that are essentially winning the conflict and maintain overwhelming air superiority and military power decide to launch literally the only kind of attack that will draw international condemnation and probable military response from the West. They could have carpet bombed the place and killed everyone and only received a tenth of the coverage.

It doesnt make any sense at all.

There's a full deconstruction of the statement that that call for investigation was made in here:

27 April apparently. So three weeks after. I dobut very much he considered the evidence, just strikes the same pose he always does. The striking thing for me is that he doesn't mention Russian obstruction to condeming the gassing through the UN or blocking the investigation.

And makes sense? Oh come on dude. What about the conflict makes sense? It's a charnel house.

"Assad or the country burns". Does that "make sense"?


Beast of Burden
He didn't dump her to go to Syria did he? Seems a bit of an extreme way to get out of a relationship.