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Well-known member
This is gonna get really, really bad in the States. Love to all our US based friends.


Well-known member
Competency is the main issue I think. Trump has gutted the agencies who normally deal with this stuff, and fundamentally he didnt care enough to even try and do anything about it. Now theyve missed the window of effective containment and their healthcare system is probably the worst in the developed world wrt pandemics.
Competency is the main issue I think. Trump has gutted the agencies who normally deal with this stuff, and fundamentally he didnt care enough to even try and do anything about it. Now theyve missed the window of effective containment and their healthcare system is probably the worst in the developed world wrt pandemics.

That and the cost of being tested, that fella who got billed $1400


Well-known member
It's bizarre to watch unfold. He's exactly like the people in charge in all the American disaster movies, the people running Jurassic World pretending everything's fine until it's too late.


Darned cockwombles.
take care Leo - are you able to work from home?

Lack of sick pay for millions of people is going to make it even more impossible to contain the virus, isn't it. Shit.


Well-known member
thanks, baboon. I'm self-employed, so luckily I work from home all the time. outside contact is from client meetings once a week, aside from weekends pottering around town.

we haven't taken any extreme measures yet, just more conscious about washing own hands more frequently, picked up some hand sanitizer and wipes.

one of the more important things to clean is your phone: germs from your hands end up covering both sides, then you have it up against your mouth when on a call. actually pretty gross under normal circumstances, when you think about it.


Has anyone in London still not got this?
i know a bunch of runny nosed coughing people with all the correct symptoms over the last fortnight.
i fully expect UK infected numbers to rise exponentially very soon
(as soon as denial is no longer viable)


this had already been on my mind, then my mate called me up and said" have you got it yet?"


also if the grown-ups are sick but not the kids, is a good theory,
but i have to say that i'm not a medically qualified practitioner
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