

i really feel for you kumar.

as a starting point i would consider the misery that people feel who wish they had BOUGHT MORE BITCOIN in the beginning than they already have. they will be kicking themselves (poor souls 😔)

think also of tulip mania.

just the phenomenon of bitcoin causes me anxiety as i'm sure it does lots of people. i really detest it.

i'd be happiest to never hear about it again. but given that it seems anyone who buys bitcoin is determined to tell everyone else that they should buy it too (and thus perpetuate and increase the value of their prior investment) that seems unlikely.

it is ironic that it was started as an antidote to capitalism - and my only good feeling about the currency is that some real internet dweeb nerd outsiders who would never had made any money will now be wealthy and perhaps in a position to do something useful with that money.
Yeah it's a huge infohazard. Many lives ruined, consigned to searching municipal dumps and wracking their brains for old passwords. And even among winners, i.e. those who put money in at a low and took it out at a high, the what ifs plague you. Know a guy who made 10-20k on Ether back in the day, had bought in when it was like $3. But then you diversify among some altcoins, and maybe those don't do too well, or you sell too early right before the price goes up, and pretty soon you're back down to a couple thousand in profits. Which isn't bad, except in your head you're saying, "Wait, if I'd played that right, I'd have made a quarter mil." Now you get to go work your 9-5 everyday for three years thinking how you could be sleeping in, having breakfast in bed, traveling to Monaco.


Well-known member
XRP is the coin de jour of Empire and a couple of other markets, no?

I enjoy observing these shitcoins- I thought ETH would be a flash in the pan but maybe not- but XRP probably has legs until the next exit scam.


Yeah it's a huge infohazard. Many lives ruined, consigned to searching municipal dumps and wracking their brains for old passwords. And even among winners, i.e. those who put money in at a low and took it out at a high, the what ifs plague you. Know a guy who made 10-20k on Ether back in the day, had bought in when it was like $3. But then you diversify among some altcoins, and maybe those don't do too well, or you sell too early right before the price goes up, and pretty soon you're back down to a couple thousand in profits. Which isn't bad, except in your head you're saying, "Wait, if I'd played that right, I'd have made a quarter mil." Now you get to go work your 9-5 everyday for three years thinking how you could be sleeping in, having breakfast in bed, traveling to Monaco.
I think what it really comes down to is that you don't know whether to act or not. You want to stay on the alert, be aware of good opportunities. But the criteria for a good opportunity is totally unclear, because humans learn from history, and nobody has experience with this sort of happening. People insert their preferred metaphors—tulip mania if yr a hater, fair nuff—but then those, metaphors map until they don't.

The thing that gives labrats ulcers is never expected, routine shocks & punishment. No, far worse is when the rats are unable to furnish a model.


At some point it'll plummet, the tech just won't hold up anymore, and a new coordination equilibrium will start to take hold.


Cat Malogen
was going to ask about flaws, problems and QC, but didn’t have the patience for any ideological blow-back

QC opens up so much. Answers we don’t even have the questions for, the type of thorts you have at 2am after a few hours sleep over 56hours then give up on


Well-known member
bitcoin is the datum point tho. like the dollar. it's what the crypto market uses as it's base- so, not that simple