
Well-known member
I'm actually not big on Mexican food TBH... But people say they love it. Very popular over here.
i agree. its terrible. not that ive eaten it but friends who have travelled to mexico said its the pits. however
they said its heaven compared to south america which has the worst food on the planet. processed white bread
and guneia pigs. thats it. disaster zone. i do have a passion for salsa though.


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Well-known member
I can't remember, but not like that. One of them took it upon themselves to show me, like a parent demonstrating something to a child.


in je ogen waait de wind
one of the weirdest things i experienced in mexico is that they videotape you with this old vhs-recorder before you enter a bus. when it happened the first time i was sure i would be tortured and cut up in little pieces somewhere along the bus ride. i still have no idea why they do that?


one of the weirdest things i experienced in mexico is that they videotape you with this old vhs-recorder before you enter a bus. when it happened the first time i was sure i would be tortured and cut up in little pieces somewhere along the bus ride. i still have no idea why they do that?
For security yyaldrin!


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Well-known member
a man comes in the bus, forces everybody to be videotaped with some old camera, then gets out of the bus and disappears without having said a word. how does that make anything secure?
I don't know when you went, or where, but maybe it was cos there were lots of bus disappearances. I think when I was there in 2016, there was a case in the newspapers of a bus load of student teachers who disappeared. I think it was in Chiappas? There was z lot of outcry cos they were on their way to a protest and nothing was seen or heard of them again.

So maybe something to do with cases like that?


No no no it's a perfectly safe and civilized city, lovely cosmopolitan place, all that business is in other states


in je ogen waait de wind
I don't know when you went, or where, but maybe it was cos there were lots of bus disappearances. I think when I was there in 2016, there was a case in the newspapers of a bus load of student teachers who disappeared. I think it was in Chiappas? There was z lot of outcry cos they were on their way to a protest and nothing was seen or heard of them again.

So maybe something to do with cases like that?
it was in 2014 or 2015 i think, this is the only other information i could find googling:


Well-known member
The comments are saying its about robberies

Someone told me it is used as evidence in case anything happens to/inside the bus, specially in older buses with no onboard cameras. Should anything happen, witnesses and authorities can match seat numbers and names with a face.

I'm not entirely sure of this, but it sounds plausible.

I've been videotaped every time I've gotten on a bus in Mexico. It's disconcerting at first but eventually you get used to it. From what I understand it's to ensure they have photographs of everyone riding the bus in case something bad goes down. I haven't heard of it since I've been here, but I've been told buses used to get stopped by robbers fairly frequently.
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Well-known member
No no no it's a perfectly safe and civilized city, lovely cosmopolitan place, all that business is in other states
I thought so too tbh. Altho someone we met on the way there warned us against taking cabs at night so we didn't and ended up walking everywhere, which I really loved, but was probably more dangerous.
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a man comes in the bus, forces everybody to be videotaped with some old camera, then gets out of the bus and disappears without having said a word. how does that make anything secure?
Maybe if everyone does get kidnapped, chopped up, horribly burned beyond recognition and the bodies are never recovered, they can watch that video and find out who was actually on the bus. I'm sure that as you slip out of consciousness for the last time in unimaginable nerve-twisting agony your last thoughts will be something like "thank goodness they got that video when I got on the bus, can't believe that I questioned that, imagine the trouble I'd be in otherwise!".
  • Haha
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Well-known member
Studying practices like this would seem to be not only compatible with such meditation practices, but actually enhanced by them.

View attachment 9325
I thought this thing you were on about where you are watching lectures everyday like a regime was a joke but it sounds like you are actually doing it?

I think you should be careful. It's not possible to know everything. They found this out just before the beginning of the twentieth century.

You might drive yourself mad or turn to God in this pursuit.

In comparison, skydiving on acid seems very wholesome fun. Apart from that guy who seems to be feeling you up, I would stay away from him.

So I want the craft beer talk please.


Binary & Tweed

4/1 Stanford - Human Behavioral Biology - Lecture 9. Ethology
4/2 Stanford - Human Behavioral Biology - Lecture 10. Introduction to Neuroscience I
4/3 Stanford - Human Behavioral Biology - Lecture 11. Introduction to Neuroscience II
4/4 Yanis Varoufakis | Cambridge Union
4/7 Stanford - Human Behavioral Biology - Lecture 12. Endocrinology

4/8 Stanford - Human Behavioral Biology - Lecture 13. Advanced Neurology and Endocrinology
4/9 [BG] MIT 8.02x [Physics II] - Lect 1 - Electric Charges and Forces - Coulomb's Law - Polarization [Walter Lewin]
4/9 MIT 8.02x - Lect 2 - Electric Field Lines, Superposition, Inductive Charging, Induced Dipoles
4/10 MIT 8.02x - Lect 3 - Electric Flux, Gauss' Law, Examples
4/12 Stanford - Human Behavioral Biology - Lecture 14. Limbic System
4/13 Stanford - Human Behavioral Biology - Lecture 15. Human Sexual Behavior I
4/13 MIT 8.02x - Lect 4 - Electrostatic Potential, Electric Energy, Equipotential Surfaces
4/15 Stanford - Human Behavioral Biology - Lecture 16. Human Sexual Behavior II
4/15 Stanford - Human Behavioral Biology - Lecture 17. Human Sexual Behavior III & Aggression I
4/15 MIT 8.02x - Lect 5 - E= - grad V, Conductors, Electrostatic Shielding (Faraday Cage)
4/16 Stanford - Human Behavioral Biology - Lecture 18. Aggression II
4/18 Stanford - Human Behavioral Biology - Lecture 19. Aggression III
4/18 MIT 8.02x - Lect 6 - High-voltage Breakdown, Lightning, Sparks, St-Elmo's Fire
4/20 Stanford - Human Behavioral Biology - Lecture 20. Aggression IV
4/20 MIT 8.02x - Lect 7 - Capacitance, Electric Field Energy
4/21 [BG] Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) Webinar
4/21 Stanford - Human Behavioral Biology - Lecture 21. Chaos and Reductionism
4/22 Feb 2018 -- Randy Beer -- Making Sense of Autopoiesis [ENSO Seminar Series]
4/23 Stanford - Human Behavioral Biology - Lecture 22. Emergence and Complexity
4/23 Carl Sagan lecture
4/25 Stanford - Human Behavioral Biology - Lecture 23. Language
4/27 Stanford - Human Behavioral Biology - Lecture 24. Schizophrenia
4/29 MIT 8.02x - Lect 8 - Polarization, Dielectrics, Van de Graaff Generator, Capacitors
4/30 Stanford - Human Behavioral Biology - Lecture 25. Individual Differences
4/30 Lec 1 | MIT 18.01 Single Variable Calculus, Fall 2007 [David Jerison]
5/6 MIT 8.02x - Lect 9 - Electric Currents, Resistivity, Conductivity, Ohm's Law
5/6 Lec 2 | MIT 18.01 Single Variable Calculus
5/7 Pynchon’s Paranoid California with Michael Mark Cohen [Berkeley]
5/11 MIT 8.02x - Lect 10 - Batteries, Power, Kirchhoff's Rules, Circuits, Kelvin Water Dropper
5/13 Special Relativity | Lecture 1 [Stanford, Leonard Susskind]
5/13 Lec 3 | MIT 18.01 Single Variable Calculus, Fall 2007
5/13 Undergrad Complexity at CMU - Lecture 1: Course Overview [Ryan o’donnell]
5/14 The Story of Complexity - Christos Papadimitriou [University of Toronto]
5/15 Deleuze for the Desperate #3 Haecceity [Dave Harris]
5/15 [BG] David Mobley - Current status of OpenFF and our near-term roadmap
5/15 Lec 4 | MIT 18.01 Single Variable Calculus, Fall 2007
5/16 Tech Talk: John Martinis, "Design of a Superconducting Quantum Computer"
5/16 MIT 8.02x - Lect 11 - Magnetic Fields, Lorentz Force, Torques, Electric Motors (DC)
5/16 Lec 5 | MIT 18.01 Single Variable Calculus, Fall 2007
5/18 Undergrad Complexity at CMU - Lecture 2: Turing Machines

5/18 DIY EEG to Arduino // Live Hardware Hacking! []
5/18 [BG] The Dialectic from Marx to Lukacs - Stacey Whittle
5/18 MIT 8.02x - Lect 12 - First Exam Review
5/18 Deep brain Recording and Stimulation of Real World Episodic Memory in Humans [Nanthia Suthana]
5/19 Lec 6 | MIT 18.01 Single Variable Calculus, Fall 2007
5/21 Undergrad Complexity at CMU - Lecture 3: Simulations and Turing Machine Variants
5/22 MIT 8.02x - Lect 13 - Moving charges in B-fields, Cyclotrons, Mass Spectrometers, LHC
5/22 Ming Liu on Chinese Daoism (Taoism) - March 14 ACS Colloquium at CIIS (Part 1)
5/22 Ming Liu on Chinese Daoism (Taoism) - March 14 ACS Colloquium at CIIS (Part 2)
5/26 The Occult History of the Third Reich (1/4)
5/26 The Occult History of the Third Reich (2/4)
5/27 The Occult History of the Third Reich (3/4)
5/28 MIT 8.02x - Lect 14 - Biot-Savart, div B = 0, High-voltage Power Lines, Leyden Jar revisited
5/29 The Occult History of the Third Reich (4/4)
6/3 Lec 7: Exam 1 review | MIT 18.01 Single Variable Calculus, Fall 2007
6/3 Everything Matters: Germanium With Ron Hipschman
6/4 [BG] Academy in One Day: Georg Lukács, History and Class Consciousness [Tim Black]
6/4 [BG] Lukács, alienation and class consciousness with Chris Nineham
6/8 The Russian Revolution: January 1905-December 1917 [Mark Albertson, Darien Library]
6/9 The Migration of Indo-European Languages
6/10 Lec 9 | MIT 18.01 Single Variable Calculus, Fall 2007
6/12 Undergrad Complexity at CMU - Lecture 4: Time Complexity and Universal Turing Machines
6/15 Jocelyn Bell Burnell Special Public Lecture: The Discovery of Pulsars [Perimeter Institute]
6/16 Understanding the Atom [William Sponholtz]
6/16 MIT 8.02x - Lect 15 - Ampere's Law, Solenoids, Kelvin Water Dropper (revisited)
6/17 Social Collapse Best Practices | Dmitry Orlov [Long Now Foundation]
6/18 Lec 10 | MIT 18.01 Single Variable Calculus, Fall 2007
6/18 What is rhythmanalysis? by Dr Dawn Lyon
6/18 Bret Victor - The Future of Programming [Dropbox's DBX conference, 2013]
6/23 Michel Serres: Thinking in Figures [Christopher Watkin @ Stanford]