woops of dissensus fame has a single out and new video


Well-known member
if it was sunny I would read mvuent's blog but I have been far too contemplative lately and I am concerned it mmight push me into even more of a brooding mood.
It might trigger a flashback that could suddenly turn bitter, like the sudden thought of checking your ex's social media activity.


Well-known member
I worked yesterday so I didn't feel as useless. Also woops himself popped into the office to say hello.


Well-known member
What you should do luka is get some deptford hash on your way home from the town, maybe see if there's anything happening at planet wax.
Listen to this once you see the first hint of the sky getting dark (while it's still as wet as it's been all day):


Well-known member
It's been pissing it down all day here. I've just been sat listening to Arpanet and had a pain au chocolat.



Well-known member
Deptford is a funny place. Barty always says its like magical realism. The whole high st stinks of rotten fish, it's disgusting.


is not like other people
if it was sunny I would read mvuent's blog but I have been far too contemplative lately and I am concerned it mmight push me into even more of a brooding mood.
It might trigger a flashback that could suddenly turn bitter, like the sudden thought of checking your ex's social media activity.
It's good


Well-known member
Last time I was there with woops we were dangerously drunk and a big black geezer was asking us if we were gay, not in a threatening way, he was assuring us he was alright with it, but we had to tell him we're not. Then woops went catatonic, he was still standing but he'd stopped responding to stimuli, I've never seen it happen before. I sort went a bit blackout too and when I came round again I had a total stranger round my house, this young, soft spoken English-Viet boy and I was smoking Bensons, I thought how on earth did this happen


Well-known member
It's like the Bermuda Triangle round there. I can't work out if I like it or if it's bad news.


Well-known member
Last time I was there with woops we were dangerously drunk and a big black geezer was asking us if we were gay, not in a threatening way, he was assuring us he was alright with it, but we had to tell him we're not. Then woops went catatonic, he was still standing but he'd stopped responding to stimuli, I've never seen it happen before. I sort went a bit blackout too and when I came round again I had a total stranger round my house, this young, soft spoken English-Viet boy and I was smoking Bensons, I thought how on earth did this happen
did not realize you have an s burroughs tulpa living in there rent free


Well-known member
What are your favourite Deptford drinking spots? I got very drunk on a Tuesday afternoon in the Royal Albert with Barty recently, this mad old Kenyan came up on the ponce, he'd already scored a big glass of rose from some hapless Goldsmiths student who just wanted to read his novel in peace he was telling us how he doesn't like blacks even though he's black and was going into detail on Kenyan politics of the seventies and eighties


Well-known member
What are your favourite Deptford drinking spots?
One of my favourites would have to be Big John's Biltong Bar on Deptford High St.

Royal Albert is good spot although bit pricey, my friend told me there is a very cozy place on one of those quiet streets going down from Lewisham way, Royal George I think it's called.
Ran by a lesbian couple with a distinct taste for ales, but apparently cheap pints.


Well-known member
Yeah, I'm about two minutes from there at the moment, weird looking place, it's a Sam Smiths