I’m stuck in a miserable and futile existence


I did this this week with work. I am trying to get a positive attitude. I've been a Big Baby. I am honing a positive outlook. I am learning to spin.


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The response is great

What you have in common with Frankl is that you are trapped. He was imprisoned in concentration camps without knowing for how long, or whether he would die there, doing pointless, punishing work. You are not in peril but you are still stuck doing work you find meaningless

Great comparison there mate


is not like other people
save yourself the effort of having sex with your wife by ignoring your mistress. masturbation is a inexpensive and nourishing walk in local green parkspaces. no glamorous partner required


When you fantasise about V don’t stop when you get that dopamine hit, but carry the fantasy on. Imagine the children being shocked and miserable as their world is broken apart; imagine them angry or trying to guilt-trip you well into their adult lives; imagine you trying to make your wife into a bad person to justify your actions; imagine a decade into the future when sex with V is OK (bearing in mind that you’ve been together for 10 years), but there is this new young person at work who is really into you; imagine your kids starting to call your wife’s new husband “Daddy”


is not like other people
when you fantasise about v stop immediately. go back to bed and imagine a barren martian desert. love is extinct all that remains is the fact that your late for all 3 of your jobs.


Adding to what Philippa says: I would ask the OP to imagine his wife is so devastated there is no new ‘Daddy.’ Imagine that she wears out her body - that bore your children for you - trying to run a single parent household, with all of the stigma, exhaustion and worry that goes along with that.


Q: I have not done anything great with my life. I have never travelled, don’t have a car or own a home. I couldn’t afford to go to college. I do not have friends and my sex life is nonexistent. I read, but I am not a “serious” reader. I listen to music, but I do not know anything about it. I am not mastering any discipline. I am not getting good at anything.

A: Insufficient approval can give you a desire to prove yourself, a longing to show those who never believed in you that you can achieve things.


is not like other people
I have not done anything great with my life. I have never travelled, don’t have a car or own a home. I couldn’t afford to go to college. I do not have friends and my sex life is nonexistent. I read, but I am not a “serious” reader. I listen to music, but I do not know anything about it. I am not mastering any discipline. I am not getting good at anything.
jeopardy! are you @Corpsey

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
when you fantasise about v stop immediately. go back to bed and imagine a barren martian desert. love is extinct all that remains is the fact that your late for all 3 of your jobs.
Barren Martian desert vs barren martial desert.


is not like other people
one of my favourite articles along these lines went like this

dear @Poet for Hire,
i cant get enough of my wife. she is my ultimate wet dream in every way imaginable. the little time we dont spend at it hammer&tongs i think about taking her knickers off. in the aftermath of the carnal act she never fails to reciprocate her absolute bliss in our union.


you may not be meeting your wifes needs. your unhealthy obsession is alarming. consider voluntary incarceration.

are you sure your fully considering your wifes part in your singleminded pursuit of selfish pleasure you c***

classic narcissistic behaviour. i wonder if youre partner knows shes a member of a cult. please commit suicide asap.


My good friend just recently left his wife of four years for infidelity. He knew about one time early on and forgave her. He became very suspicious of her shady behavior and decided to call in to work on a day he thought her secret lover was going to be over. He watched as multiple men came in and out of the house to have unprotected sex with his wife. He knows with certainty because she later admitted it. He does not trust women anymore and in his case I don't blame him. There is a very good chance his son isn't his at all but he still pays. The only way to describe it is that his son clearly looks like someone else's kid with a different heritage. He is probably aware and doesn't acknowledge it, still providing for and paying child support for both his kids. His daughter is too young to tell, but could be his.


is not like other people
im the scion of a line of the english aristocracy and i will spend all day in my local library proving its a inexpensive way then have a walk in green space