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    blue orchids petition help make an old man's dream come true!
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    "Chav - the Musical"

    "It's not laziness per se, it's an anti-academic culture that gives rise to a hell of a lot of bullying and causes many kids to badly underperform at school. It's a vicious cirlce since kids that get drawn into that culture will then inflict it on others, making them simultaneous victims and...
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    "Chav - the Musical"

    so if cultures do arise from specific economic situations, where do economic situations come from? i mean are they just the arbitrary amalgams of collective actions which, like certain cultures, none of us actually wants, but in the face of which we are powerless to do anything?
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    "Chav - the Musical"

    "Cultures aren't forced on people from above, they're a cumulative effect of the choices that the people participating in the culture make.." so there is no relation between economic/social factors and "cultures." Cultures are purely and simply elective....and things like, say, social...
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    "Chav - the Musical"

    "you are more or less dooming yourself to a life of poverty" So this life of poverty is something you opt for, is it? They're deliberate decisions, rationally chosen by independent actors are they, alcohol and cannabis addiction, academic failure, poverty? Every opportunity to...
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    shellac- excellent italian greyhound

    Would you really say without a shred of wit? I was quite pleased with that bit about " I avoid cliche like the bus-stop ..." etc.... Not even a shred, you say.... ahh, well.
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    Joanna Newsom --- "Ys"

    Calm down Tate, I'm not seriously proposing that I would like to murder her, am I? It's a bit of hyperbole for comic effect, if you don't find it funny, so be it, but you risk coming off looking shrill, sententious and humourless here. It would also seem that I'm not...
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    digital fiction

    interested to know what people make of this.. I really like this guys stuff and am going to write something on him, so i thought i'd see if anyone else was into it/ had any thoughts..
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    agggh..its sickening isn't it... they wont let us have anything for free will they... and lets be frank, if that PIL top of the pops performance of Flowers Of Romance, for example, belongs to anyone, it belongs by moral right to those who loved it and whose lives...
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    Cache/Hidden (spoilers)

    just seen "code unknown" and am still digesting it...much more similar to Cache than "funny games" or the "piano teacher" i thought....i'd be really interested to hear anyone else's thoughts on it while i try and come up with some of my own...obviously the opening...
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    More Avatars Please!

    wish i could get mine bigger...look at the size of that woebot's pooch....must be a case of avatar envy...
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    Cache/Hidden (spoilers)

    yeah i have a long history of failing to see Code Unknown...its currently, amazingly, sitting in my local Blockbuster but after having missed its so many times a strange aura of trepidation has developed around it....on the subject.. is it only me or has...
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    Cache/Hidden (spoilers)

    i guess there's always the possibilty tha the film is just finally incoherent.. that all its elements pull against each other.. this final scene that opens up another set of possibilities that have to be resolved by the viewer could be a bold exercise in taking the films...
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    The Hater's Thread

    Save your Monkey bile for these guys... the amazingly derivative nu-post-punk bandwagon vaulting nadir has been reached..extraordinarily they were formed by Justin Warfield who put out a great Prince Paul produced Gravediggers/New Kingdom...
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    Indie Rock or wot?!?

    finally heard the monkeys via the domino video section.. theyre alright, really...i can undretsand why some might find them a bit dull, but y'know, no duller than that Wiley album or The Ape of Naples by Coil or Degenerate by Vexed...and if i were sixteen and...
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    Books you've read recently and would unreservedly recommend

    the Horned Man by James Ladsun is a great book and both The Erl King and Gemini by Michele Tournier had me gnashing my teeth in envy on every page.. remarkable books both and as opportunity arises i intend to read all his stuff...currently attempting Crime and Punishment...
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    Films you've seen recently and would unreservedly recommend:

    I'm with Infy on this one, City of God was a hyperkinetic, souless tour through Favella misery for the Cosmo elite... Lock stock and Two Smoking Barrels with Bossanova... and the Constant Gardener was equally awful..instead of building up character it went for the usual...
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    superb stuff, yeah...and while were on the topic of Pound and Pound- alikes or his possible progenitors there's always Aurthur Hugh Clough who i was getting into recently as part of something that i wrote.... his "Amours des Voyages " which is a series of Cantos done...
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    The Artic Monkeys are Stump with a hip producer

    err. actually Stump would be a very positive reference point for me too...surely the monkey's cant be that good... i must have a listen to them too...