
got off the tube last night behind a guy wearing a baseball cap with this slogan embroidered on the back

"Living on a dream"

sorry but i fnarred (too much unfortunately to get a photo)


Well-known member
i saw a seal in the Thames yesterday. no one else seemed to notice.
it was swimming in the middle of the river at Bankside.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps

It was wandering around in the street. Looked a bit lost. I fed it and took it to the wildflower area of the local churchyard. Seemed to be generally OK, just hungry and tired I guess.

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There is a pink guitar hanging in a tree above Pymmes Brook, just by Michael Portillo's roundabout on the North Circular

when i saw it i thought of this thread


This is a weird one. Every day I go to work and back on the 242 bus from Hackney to New Oxford Street and sit on the top deck. On top of many of the bus stops between the West End and Kingsland Road on both sides of the road someone has placed a peculiar object - something that is about the same size as and looks like a plastic potato with a load of brightly coloured plastic pins sticking out of it. I'm wondering if it's some kind of art project or something because I can't think of any other explanation.
They are back just as we knew they would be 15 years on both up and down hackney Rd 🔫

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Things you learn with your first baby:

The best way to cope psychologically with a baby that won't stop crying no matter what you do is mockery. Baby goes "WAAAA" at you? Go "WAAAA" back at baby.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Also, all babies behave at all times like they're either on the best MDMA roll ever, sleeping off the high or on the world's worst comedown.