shangaan stuff


Darned cockwombles.
anyone go see this at Barbican on saturday? had to work through the day and the night so begrudgingly missed it. The new releases on honest jons are great

Hmm, I wasn't too into it, and far preferred the kwaito etc the DJs were playing beforehand. But then i was absurdly drunk, so my opinion on this is dubious at best...Mistersloane to thread...


heavy heavy monster sound
Hmm, I wasn't too into it, and far preferred the kwaito etc the DJs were playing beforehand. But then i was absurdly drunk, so my opinion on this is dubious at best...Mistersloane to thread...

I was all 'ignore the crowd and concentrate on the people onstage' cos I find alot of African performance from Africa difficult in a London setting, and this was their second gig out of really bumfuck nowhere.

Me n The Doc sat up for hours talking about it. It was a complicated gig. There was one guy - Cornelius, I think, from the Tsetsha Boys, who looked like he'd been hired as the hype man and then got into problems about 15 minutes in - it wasn't his gig, the rest of his band weren't there - and he was war dancing and really cooning at the crowd, he didn't look like he'd enjoyed it, he virtually walked off at the end I thought. The girls were terrified when they started but really got into it, and Mr Big just loved it anywhere so didn't focus on him too much.

I thought the crowd gave them a great response and was honoured to have seen it. The system in Rich Mix needs sorting - it's too central and if you went to the sides you couldn't hear shit - and it was too bright, but that's municipal centres for you. It just feels like being in a swimming pool. I don't understand why disabled access has to mean the loss of all aesthetics.


heavy heavy monster sound
oh and more pogoing at the gigs next time please. It was well punk at points. I'd love to see a cross-cultural exchange where they give us Shangaan and we give them spitting and the pogo.