Fuck Valentine's Day


Well-known member
I'm glad I opened this thread, I just invited a girl around to my house. Luckily I didn't tell her my plan was to brag about eating 3 bowls of stir-fry, offer her the leftovers and then drink beer and play Mario Kart.

I will go out and pick some flowers.


in je ogen waait de wind
Got 365 days a year to trouble yourself over love don't see why I should get myself worked up over this day, it's just February 14 for me.



bandwagon house


Beast of Burden
I like the Ted Danson line in the batchelor party at the beginning of Three Men and a Baby, which is full of beautiful 80s New York women: "I'm in love. In a generic sense."

It's the way he delivers it, I suppose.
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Beast of Burden
I always wish my entanglements were like Romancing the Stone but they always end up being Basic Instinct.


Well-known member
I spent yesterday seeing a total of zero female creatures.

I went to bed really early because I was sick.

I have a date tonight.

We are going to watch Wild at Heart and I will bake something amazing.