Thomas Pynchon


Yeah I hear you. Why don't they do TCOL49, it's pretty much recognised that that's the one everyone does if it's on a course cos it's the shortest, for the same reason it would be the easiest to, yeah, fit on a screen.


the trailer made it look like the worst film ever made i know that much.

That voiceover is horrible, why would you pick someone with a voice like that that noone in their right mind would listen to by choice?

Has anyone seen this film called The Poolman? Looks like a total rip-off, they shoulda called it The Inherent Lebowski



Binary & Tweed

That voiceover is horrible, why would you pick someone with a voice like that that noone in their right mind would listen to by choice?

Has anyone seen this film called The Poolman? Looks like a total rip-off, they shoulda called it The Inherent Lebowski

Yeah The Poolman sucked.
Is this real? Looking for info about the film

don't know, squire


Well-known member
If it's real, I'll have to rename my pile of unread / never going to read / could not finish books, aka "the Gravity's Rainbow pile", to "the now a blockbuster film pile"