UK EU Referendum Thoughts

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Well-known member
a deeply shocking result.

honestly, i can't believe people could be so driven by negativity.

but who knows - perhaps it's for the best? can't really see how.


Well-known member
Wow, really thought it had swung enough the other way.


On the plus side, the pound being at its lowest level in 30 years means that discogs wantlist is looking a bit more doable.

Benny Bunter

Well-known member
anyone point to a decent rundown of the potential consequences for brits living and working abroad? this has got me worried


Well-known member
My favourite so far is the leave voter on BBC who didnt think his vote would count and is stunned at the result.


Well-known member
Its a collective brainfart. A drunken night out writ large. Banter as politics.
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Darned cockwombles.

How the fuck does this not invalidate the referendum (obvs same question can be applied to every general election promise ever, but this is the most blatant climbdown of all time, surely)? We live in an absurdity. Edit, 'post-factual democracy' as per Droid's quote.
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Well-known member
How the fuck does this not invalidate the referendum (obvs same question can be applied to every general election promise ever, but this is the most blatant climbdown of all time, surely)? We live in an absurdity. Edit, 'post-factual democracy' as per Droid's quote.

It turns out that erroneous* concerns about immigrants and the NHS are a huge factor in why Brits are anti-immigration (and by extension anti-EU):

If Brits had known the NHS would be worse off after leaving, would we still have gone for it?

It should be added that the IFS had previously disproven the claim that leaving Europe would mean more money in the NHS (I’ve posted the link a couple of times earlier in the thread).

It’s comparable to the last general election when the Tory’s promised not to go after tax credits. Economists had done the maths and shown that the budget targets weren’t feasible without cutting tax credits. This information didn’t make it to the voting public and of course the Tories did try to cut tax credits.

*the problems actually stem from austerity and an ageing population
Seriously, we're now an independent country with prospects, it's time to make the best of it rather than rocking back and forth in a corner.

£ has barely fallen, certainly not to lows seen earlier this year
FTSE still above 6000, it was 10% lower in February this year
Cameron has gone
Sun is shining

Laugh it off, move on.

We could probably use a bigger navy and air force though.
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