
pass the sick bucket
like literally a post above yours crowl was saying what i was saying instead you thought it right to think it was time for a witty comeback that just fell flat. It's like telling a black middle class academic to know their place because white middle class people can be committed to social justice where as all black middle class people must be aspirational and generate more revenue for their white bosses. and of course, when they actually do this, they are then stereotyped as betrayers, so that white people can be the true gatekeepers of radical ppolitics. ignoring that an uncountable amount of white leftists have moved over to the right.
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pass the sick bucket
as far as i can tell, you were chastising corpse for introducing his embarrassment about being middle class into a conversation where it wasn't particularly pertinent.

i was merely saying that when you call things/people bourgeois, you're doing a similar thing

I was chastising corpsey for his woke guilt, which isn't exactly the property of the middle class, but yes he tends to namedrop all these university level novels and fucking Yeats in his conversations. Like, I've not fucking read Nabokov pale fire ok? I only got a B in my english a-level because I spent hours on end studiously studying a 100 page textbook. I didn't have any connection to the subject whatever. it all seemed like existential angst to me. I just treated it like a jigsaw. putting the right things in the write place and writing how they wanted me to write. nothing else. this is different to Corpse and other more established middle class poc who have a genuine living breathing connection to the literature cannon. I was never given that opportunity. nothing connected with my experiences until I started reading non-fiction.
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pass the sick bucket
i'm not luke. people seem to have problem understanding this.

No, but you're an attentive reader of this forum. look, don't play this circumlocutory game with me. just admit that you've been tuned out for a while and maybe you need to take a bit of a break from the forums.


Well-known member
But ofc. then you study classical music and you realize Baroque is all math wank shit, dentist music muso nonsense. You realize that Beethoven is basically the goonish 3 chord rock of his day, a la The Ramones or smth. Granted maybe this is me and I strive for being an Objective Hater as much as I do have my interests and passions. I admittedly listen to and enjoy Carly Rae Jepsen from time to time and also have numerous criticisms as her that are not Patty's where 'soul' comes into the field because it's an affectation and a label and a pose due to the nature of a lot of this being pop music no matter how far away we try to go with it. It's like Jay-Z telling Kanye West that his beats were 'so soulful' or whatever... fucking nonsense, but you get what he Meant. You understand the signifiers of soul he's pushing out there for people to receive.

i've always suspected this. i don't listen to classical music, but i have the hunch that they're not doing all these cleaver things with chords or scales. post-bop or even heavy metal would actually be doing more intriguing things in terms of music nerdery. the ostensible cleverness of it is just because it's old, bit like how 'pride and prejudice' is considered literature when it's just a dumb rom com.


pass the sick bucket
are you high?

The point is, whilst my communist affectations may in some senses be a mirror for my privileges, those feelings of self-guilt don't come from a position of having power over people. They come from a different place entirely. They come from being alienated. Corpsey's alienation is only really an alienation of economic capital. he can happily hang out with the proles and the upper classes without too much fuss. that's the joy of being the middle I suppose. I can't though. that section of the proletariat that has bought into raciological thinking won't accept me and the middle to upper classes are sheepish about disability. this doesn't always neatly cut across though. I feel more at home with the majority of proletarians than I do bourgeois, but at the same time the bourgeoisie is almost like a gaslighting refuge simply because they monopolise all services of mutual aid and support.
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pass the sick bucket
is there something malicious in my posts?

Quote Originally Posted by thirdform View Post
nah im cool with him being posh posh (even if he was the child of lords and ladies) but if he's gonna do that then don't have some flagellating self-guilt complex. this ain't no karbala. put yo hood up son!
Your whole communism as aesthetic perimeters thing is just a disguised form of this

implying that any self-guilt I have is also illegitimate and just an accidental product of the 21st century class system. reducing my content on this forum to a sob story.


pass the sick bucket
when i say ben watson's a silly billy for saying things he doesn't like are bourgeois am i mocking him for being blind and alienated?

I don't call things bourgeois because I don't like them though. oi is an abomination but in no way can it be considered bourgeois. similarly crusty acid tekno is not bourgeois. it's fucking ket zombie shit though.
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pass the sick bucket
well that's that then.

this post was very clearly ridiculing your blindness and sense of alienation. obviously so.

oh now it's trying to guilt trip me now is it? you think ive never heard of these tactics ickle boy?

come on, just admit it was like a drunk convo and we both misjudged it rathr than trying to once again get one up on me.
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Beast of Burden
i've always suspected this. i don't listen to classical music, but i have the hunch that they're not doing all these cleaver things with chords or scales. post-bop or even heavy metal would actually be doing more intriguing things in terms of music nerdery. the ostensible cleverness of it is just because it's old, bit like how 'pride and prejudice' is considered literature when it's just a dumb rom com.

Hey, Pride and Prejudice is not just a dumb rom com!

That's fucking outrageous.


Well-known member
So competitive you two...
Can't you just be normal? You don't see me winding people up.

Speaking of which I'm at the pub alone I think corpse has stood me up. First date nerves or am I being jilted?


pass the sick bucket
we'll be sorted if you act like a man and tell me what habit of mine or what specific posts felt like i was getting one up on you. I'm always willing to criticise myself.


pass the sick bucket
this one.

go and have a fucking beer im not in the fucking mood for this. We got it, you're going through a tough time. So am I. at least I put the effort into entertaining you. I could write everything like a government report from now on and then you'd start rambling on about how this new incarnation of third is frightening.
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Well-known member
You're both precocious, too clever for your own good, lots of surplus energy that overruns into mischief and antagonism, and more sensitive than you let on. What barty calls the Tom & Jerry routine is getting annoying though. Puts me on edge and prevents any cohesive conversation. Even debate/disagreement seems impossible.


pass the sick bucket
You're both precocious, too clever for your own good, lots of surplus energy that overruns into mischief and antagonism, and more sensitive than you let on. What barty calls the Tom & Jerry routine is getting annoying though. Puts me on edge and prevents any cohesive conversation. Even debate/disagreement seems impossible.

barty literally copied your taste as a dissensus persona though. it gets old now. and he calls my taste in music an oxford don experiment. which im absolutely cool with, that's the last thing that's gonna offend me. but at the same time, he gotta let the comical and camp skeletons out of his closet. i have no issue with him posting the shit he listened to in sixth form or whatever, even if it was mahavishnu orchestra or so. rather than try and imitate you. he says, people mistake me for luke a lot, well maybe because he subconsciously wants them to. To actually connect this back to the main topic of this thread, I'm more interested in soul as human connections (warts and all) than in a strictly musicological sense. this is why I was hoping a few months ago corpsey could have mustered a better defence of the jump up he was into as a teenager.


Well-known member
You both took things off me let's be realistic. I'm a positive role model for young over Intelligent misfits. What's wrong with that


pass the sick bucket
i know the post you're reffering to with this. i apologise for making that joke. in future if i offend you with something like that please dm me.

no there's no need to apologise! wasn't offended then and I won't be offended now. seriously, im earnestly asking this, are you fucked? you're not following the conversation with your usual acuteness.

the point is, I hold a lot of guilt for the tom and jerry routine, but you did stir the pot *a whole lot*