
Today I read the chapter all about why the color white is so enchanting. But it wasnt really about why, it was more him reiterrating how enchanting it was with colorful language. It was a great chapter not because i learned anything about why the color white was so enchanting but because he really had me agreeing that the color white is, in fact, a crazy color. The whole book sort of works this way
I'm going to finish it with you as soon as I get home. I was just at a whaling museum in the Azores. Getting inspired


thread death
I’ve written elsewhere about my hatred for McEwan - whom I’m guessing is low hanging fruit on Dissensus. Other writing I’ve hated recently - Missouri Williams The Doloriad which garnered loads of praise but was just grim, rambling and sub sub Kathy Acker on a bad day. And Isabel Waidner - again beloved of a certain crowd - just plain bad writing. I think probably what I dislike is all the praise - there’s always bern bad writers and bad writing but giving them prizes like the Goldsmiths and the Republic of Consciousness is really taking the piss.


thread death
Of course the actual answer to this thread are DH Lawrence’s novels - his poetry and short stories are exempt.


Well-known member
Of course the actual answer to this thread are DH Lawrence’s novels - his poetry and short stories are exempt.
the one set in mexico is brilliant. i dont want to read one without the exoticism tho, rochdale or whatever


pass the sick bucket
Cormac Mccarthy is pretty shit also, cod macho and all, though thankfully not as cuntish as the arsehole-tulip Deleuze.

Benny Bunter

Well-known member
Is that the plumed serpent?

There's a brilliant analysis of that in Kate Millett's Sexual Politics - it's about some sort of phallic death cult or something? She made it out to be ultra sexist and racist while also making it sound really really good, I want to read it.


Well-known member
yeah, if she said it's ultra sexist and racist and also brilliant then she pretty much nailed it. it's a fantastic book.

Benny Bunter

Well-known member
I'll give it a go one day, I love his poetry.

Millett was a great literary critic actually, she came at it from feminism obviously but never denied the artistry or said this should never have been written or you shouldn't read it


This is a great thread
I just polished off the secret agent,
Better than HoD I reckon,
Ask me amything