Fat White Family, Paranoid London, Decius, Pregoblin, Sworn Virgins, Moonlandingz etc


I guess no-one here is a fan of any of the above. I kinda feel a connection to this scene I guess cos a lot of the FWF guys used to sleep on my couch back in London for years. Gonna see 'em play in Lisbon tonight anyhow... should be good/messy.
At the moment Sworn Virgins are a lot of fun I think



Well-known member
I have both Paranoid London albums, like 'em a lot (particularly the first).


Yes, I really like the vocalist Clams Baker, I guess that the album is - despite being fun - nothing really new but I love that guy's stream of consciousness lyrics. Same guy here



Well-known member
This is the kind of stuff I see mentioned on The Quietus and have absolutely no clue about.


I wouldn't necessarily either... it's just that my flatmate was in a previous band with some of the guys and so they were always round my house. I watched them grow from a completely useless bunch... to a slightly less useless bunch. Actually I'm being harsh, the way they grew in terms of finding out about music, in writing genuine pop tunes and so on and all the other side projects was impressive. It was odd when these no-hopers were suddenly flying off to be on Letterman or whatever and [Famous Film Star]'s daughter was coming round my flat.


Then Sean Lennon was their biggest fan and they were hanging around with him... I believe Saul wrote some songs for Lady Gaga (though dunno if they got used) and so on.


Well-known member
Yeah, I've never really listened to FWF but they got pretty big, toured the world, played festivals, etc. I'm sure those who live for authenticity will shit on this stuff but I like PL just for the dirty sound, "Paris dub 1" with Paris Brightledge (vocalist on sterling void "it's alright") is pretty cool:



Yes indeed. Also Paranoid London are big now... massive when we go to Russia for example and they played here on the same bill with Nina Kraviz (had sound problems though, wasn't that good sadly).


Well-known member
I don't know any of these bands. I just bought a zine/pamphlet which is interviews with Lias and Saul, about their hedonism basically, and they sound interesting but then I put FWF on Spotify shuffle and nothing really grabbed me. But maybe they sound pretty good live? There's a story in the zine from lias about how he spread his own shit all over himself before a show. Pretty dedicated I suppose.

This is the zine https://www.roughtrade.com/gb/adelle-stripe-and-lisa-cradduck/sweating-tears-with-fat-white-family and there's also a playlist to go with it:

But ive not listened to it yet


Fat White Family are the least likely to appeal to dissensus I think. Some of the other bands may I guess...
I should have mentioned Wardmduscher too cos it was set up by Saul and Clams... Saul left but he's been replaced by Adam who is also in FWF. I was speaking to him last night and he told me that he wrote this song for FWF but cos it didn't make the album he reworked it for WD



Alex is... an unusual character. When he was making that video above he played it thousands and thousands of times in a row and made the tiniest imperceptible change every thousand views or so. And then he'd send it off and suddenly have a crisis and email them and say it wasn't the finished version and they couldn't possibly put it out as it was. And then he'd fiddle with it again for months and months. And this is always his working process. But Edmund is also not like other people to be fair. Same with Saul and so on. Alex and Edmund fell out over Edmund's book - they both told me their side of the story but honestly my eyes started glazing over and I don't really know who was right or at fault. In fact it's always impossible to find out anything from Alex, he tells you a story and misses loads of bits out and gets to the end and you have to say "Well why did they do that?" and then he'll tell you a crucial fact that explains that and you have to keep asking him to get the full story. Honestly, I think that he acted in good faith with the book as far as I could tell.
I really like Alex's new band though... I think that the other half is someone who is a good foil for him and forces him to finish things. Their previous single reminded me of Small Town Boy in a way and the new one is great too.



Well-known member
I was deliberately not going to contribute to this thread but then I got drunk


Did you (Woops) and Alex ever make up though?
I saw your book on my shelf the other day and I thought "I really must read that when I finish the Recognitions"