But.... then we don't get a thread and no one gets to vent their adolescent spleen, social anxiety, mingled feelings of superiority and inferiority, snobbishness and inverted snobbishness, delusions of grandeur....
This is what the torture is about perhaps. The burden of opening your eyes to an absurd, incoherent reality end holding on to a sense of beauty in a world that can't live up to it.
This is what I assume you were doing with the boring depressed people chat. A shaman-jester move to undercut the common sense and get everyone riled up is it
This is what I assume you were doing with the boring depressed people chat. A shaman-jester move to undercut the common sense and get everyone riled up is it
I don't this feeling that depressed people bring me down, though. It's like with shy people, there's a window to something very real there.
In any case, I'd rather stare at the wall with a depressed person than make small talk with a gardener
Being married having kids and wearing a suit to work doesn't mean you're boring,
This is what I've been aspiring to since I was 25. Reading a broadsheet paper over breakfast. Weekly online food shops. Saturday morning swim. Car upgrade ever other year.
You were born 30 years too late.
Very often the words we say are there to express emotions, to vent something, rather than to state some thought through position we are willing to stand behind. Part of learning to read, part of learning to listen to other people, is about learning to distinguish between the two. Is this a programmatic statement. Is this lashing out. Is this self aware self mockery. What is going on here?
I'm in the unenviable position of aspiring to normality and constantly failing, rather than safely occupying normality yet protesting against it.