Vitamin C and the Wuhan Flu


Well-known member
This just in from the irrepressible Patrick Holford (Patrick occasionally courts controversy but he's a brilliant and solid guy)

"Hi y'all - Loads has been happening in our ‘covid operation’. The results of the first ever randomised placebo controlled trial on intravenous vitamin C in seriously ill COVID-19 cases in ICU on ventilators has been completed, showing a third less deaths - 24% died while in the UK it’s a shocking 66.3% ( survey of INARC 10th April).

I did a TV interview on this focussing on what their doing in Wuhan that has driven the numbers coming into hospital ICU down to almost zero, and virtually no deaths. Thought you might like to see - just the first 10 or so minutes:

Many doctors are outraged that the NHS is ignoring all the evidence in favour of trying vitamin C and have asked us to start a campaign to save our NHS with vitamin C - sign here Help this campaign go viral.

Today the Kindle version of my book, Flu Fighters, comes out. It’s £4.99. Please share this info with as many people as possible

If you’re thinking of buying it please do so today as lot’s of sales will help more people notice. The paperback will be out on Thursday next week.
There’s loads of useful info for free on inc a free Chapter 9 - Surviving Respiratory Distress. Download this and send to everyone.

Stay well and see you on the other side! Hopefully not too much longer if we all take vitamin C! (in Wuhan they distributed 50 tons and have not reported than a percentage of people who have tested antibody positive had no symptoms and have not spread the disease. This is, effectively, a ‘natural’ vaccine. Interesting."


Well-known member
50 tonne trucks of vitamin c supplies arriving at a hospital in wuhan

banner reads : “In the fight against N-CoV the people of DSM Jiangshan and Wuhan are heart to heart”

ascorbate truck.jpg


Yes, but this is a 'totally new' virus and so requires a 'totally new' solution, preferably involving a reassuringly abstruse drug name, high-status research busywork, medical consensus (due 2025) and a boost to one's ailing portfolio.

My more academic friends won't countenance playing the odds by upping vitamins, having a BCG or even wearing a mask; they trust the efficiency and judgement of the system over their own critical faculties and are waiting for the one-size-fits-all solution to be handed down from on high, whether by the WHO or God Himself.


Well-known member
i ate a baked potato yesterday. more vitamin c than an orange. i should be ok.


It's all about Vitamin D, vitamin C is a sideshow and not really even a vitamin if you put less metabolic reliance on glycolysis. There's an avalanche of papers backing up my Vitamin D hypothesis from February.
there's a wee button there on right click i think


Well-known member
It's all about Vitamin D, vitamin C is a sideshow and not really even a vitamin if you put less metabolic reliance on glycolysis. There's an avalanche of papers backing up my Vitamin D hypothesis from February.
vitamin d is important but less so than vitamin c. new academic papers in the pipeline.