How low can you go?

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Jordan Peterson? Žižek?

A lot of people like that Alain de Botton character. I don't know anything about his ideas but his name sounds far too similar to 'bottom' for him to be taken seriously by any thinking person.


Well-known member
It's impossible to imagine some thinker emerge into the popular that isn't immediately co-opted into the intellectual fortification of politics.


Well-known member
Still a bit funny how Jordan Peterson got basement dwelling internet trolls reading Jungian psychology and all that.


Well-known member
I don't even know what the biggest cultural dictating forces are today. Youtube has grown impossibly large. I'm sick of it but there's no way to look but backwards.


Well-known member
Perhaps the largest force of cultural dictation is now the public? Any random can make a social media account and blow up.
There’s more shit but I’m not sure there’s less good stuff. The bar feels lower from the sheer volume thrown at a distracted public with loads of options and little need for loyalty or major investment. metrics matter more than journalistic integrity, professionalism, balance and all those murkier values. Truth is in the data, reach and engagement, less value on reputation of individuals and institutions. And at the same time the barrier to entry for content creation is lower, less money needed, time and skill too, increasingly democratised. And what makes a journalist or documentary or media channel gets ever more dispersed. There’s less investment risk on demand and supply side. And both producers and consumers making decisions on what works right now, so maybe there’s fewer jumps into the unknown, experimentation and depth because we’re a bit chained to insights from engagement metrics, too focused on short term and shallow attention. Algorithms having a lock in effect


There’s more shit but I’m not sure there’s less good stuff. The bar feels lower from the sheer volume thrown at a distracted public with loads of options and little need for loyalty or major investment. metrics matter more than journalistic integrity, professionalism, balance and all those murkier values. Truth is in the data, reach and engagement, less value on reputation of individuals and institutions. And at the same time the barrier to entry for content creation is lower, less money needed, time and skill too, increasingly democratised. And what makes a journalist or documentary or media channel gets ever more dispersed. There’s less investment risk on demand and supply side. And both producers and consumers making decisions on what works right now, so maybe there’s fewer jumps into the unknown, experimentation and depth because we’re a bit chained to insights from engagement metrics, too focused on short term and shallow attention. Algorithms having a lock in effect
I wonder if as we get more connected the space for different stories closes down, there are less of the wild divergent out there voices, just variations on the same continua
harder to exist outside of the grand shared narrative


Well-known member
There is a often sense of uselessness around doing something radically different. People might commend the idea and initiative and entertain some short-lived enthisuasm, but in the end, you know it can't stand up to the grand all-consuming narrative.

Like politics, basically. Same mythos of democracy.