Chain Reaction


Well-known member
You discuss the Chain Reaction label and tell me which you think are the best records. That, or you could hijack the thread and turn it into a game where each song posted is a direct response to the previous.


Well-known member
Best and most original: Vladislav Delay & Porter Ricks, but Vainqueur did make some "bangers" as they say now

john eden

male pale and stale
Oh actually I've got a couple of Porter Ricks tracks on the Macro Dub Infection comps.

It's good all this stuff but it's one of them where I find myself completely in the mood for it every few years and then it's done - immerse yourself and move on.


Well-known member
Another one that doesn't fit the CR template and I hated it when it came out. Now it's one my favorites:



Well-known member
Anyone wonder whether whoever's releasing records as Shinichi Atobe these days is really Shinichi Atobe? Seems odd to put out one record, disappear for decades then just pop up again and start releasing a bunch of albums.


Well-known member
Chain Reaction demonstrates the GENIUS of Basic Channel

rather than let the wannabes release on your highly regarded label, punt them off to your UNTERLABEL

this is where UR, despite Mad Mike's much vaunted quality control, went wrong, this is why there are no duds on basic channel


Well-known member
this might be stretching it a bit

"various artists" was / is Torsten Profrock ( aka T++ ) and he realised some tunes on Chain Reaction but my favourite tune of his is this off a Fat Cat comp that teaches Mark Ernestus a thing or two about delay

Various artists - Modulo 8.5 by Monolake

edit: sort of incestuous because "Various Artists" / Torsten Profrock / T++ was "in" Monolake for a while