

Well-known member
Couldn't get a photo but there was an amazing cloud this evening. Underlit by the sun, reddish gold, then grey on top, but it was extremely thin and set apart all alone. Sort of like if you got a mushroom and removed the stalk, then flattened it out. Amazing.

A thread to post pictures of nice clouds and talk about them


Void Dweller
dude i fuckin love clouds. a parallel plane of topography floating over our own. multiple floating planes in fact. with their own islands, continents, mountains. and, you have to imagine, civilizations and creatures.

whats your favorite cloud type??? even cumulus, as boring / basic as they seem, can be great when you're in a wide open space. where they just seem to multiply in all directions as far as the eye can see. like something you'd see on wallpaper but irl. a good omen too.


Void Dweller


Well-known member
dude i fuckin love clouds. a parallel plane of topography floating over our own. multiple floating planes in fact. with their own islands, continents, mountains. and, you have to imagine, civilizations and creatures.

whats your favorite cloud type??? even cumulus, as boring / basic as they seem, can be great when you're in a wide open space. where they just seem to multiply in all directions as far as the eye can see. like something you'd see on wallpaper but irl. a good omen too.
I don't really know about types, but the big fluffy ones out on their own, that look like delicious ice cream.


Well-known member
I love seeing how clouds signpost land mass when you are at sea , well before seeing any island you can see the collection of clouds hovering in the otherwise blue expanse, as you approach it feels like your looking in from the outside of your normal existence.


Well-known member
I did a project on Luke Howard at primary school. We were researching local Newham heroes. Luke Howard was from Plaistow. He was the one that categorised the clouds.


Well-known member
Loads of them went there. Eg Terror danger. Local catholic school. Not that they were Catholic


Well-known member
I saw some really good clouds the other day whilst swimming in a reservoir high up in the pennines.

It was like a gang of clouds, all hunching up together, as though all the clouds were calling their mates.

On the other side of the sky, it was completely blue skies.

It was as though all the clouds on one side had got together to sort of try and take the other side, but this time the mountains stopped them and they eventually retreated.

Clouds failed to pass mountains.


I like the idea thatr the famous luke howard of bruce grove was naming clouds individually, with classic victorian names like aloysius or eustace or gertrude


can you tell the height of a cloud by looking, i think they defy eyes, and are toobright to stare, impossible to say how high they are up or how big or how far away, like floating mountains