Pandemic Sci Fi


is not like other people
i think i must be missing the point here but - i don't see anything horrifying about the great reset page. it just reads to me like more of those guardian articles saying we must build a fairer, more co-operative society after covid, which would be great but i don't see it happening, and nowhere explains what will be reset. and the Lockwood article just describes her personally bad reaction to pandemic times, which obviously i don't wish on her but doesn't seem to say anything about the wider world. what's this thread about?


Can turn naughty
It would be nice to see a historic list of 'revolutionary' motions that were put in place and actually worked out long term


i think i must be missing the point here but - i don't see anything horrifying about the great reset page. it just reads to me like more of those guardian articles saying we must build a fairer, more co-operative society after covid, which would be great but i don't see it happening, and nowhere explains what will be reset. and the Lockwood article just describes her personally bad reaction to pandemic times, which obviously i don't wish on her but doesn't seem to say anything about the wider world. what's this thread about?
Thanks for asking!
I want us to do some sci-fi predictions, come up with some lurid speculative tales based on some of the scenarios that might play out from our current weird situation
On January 23, 2020, it was moved forward to 100 seconds (1 minute 40 seconds) before midnight, based on the increased threats to global stability posed by "a nuclear blunder", exacerbated by the rate of climate change.[5]
I thought maybe the pandemic might have moved the clock but it seems not?


Cat Malogen
Short term - no-one really knows. Medium term - no-one really knows. Long term - no-one really knows. Apart from @mixed_biscuits who understands bell curves among mixed biscuit packs. Why are these packs always digestive heavy btw? Where are the custard creams, the patron saint of sugar and fat combos? Where are those Viennese things I keep forgetting to grip?

If retailers are hit, one small but unlikely gesture would be to adapt these premises for affordable housing. That’s practical sci fi, only from my own desire to see civic centres adapt to the needs of so many people currently. Shit night clubs and clothes shops aren’t beyond the remit of dare I use the term structured repurposing. If retailers are going bust, offer younger people the chance of stable, zero interest schemes that puncture the nationwide housing farce. Imagine quiet, peaceful, urban centres, where people actually live, as opposed to the slaughter-house, meat-market puke and piss dens most urban centres historically resemble at weekends. There’s a lot to be said for calm.

This thing that we inhabit currently offers the chance for far, far greener socio-economic reform, but I have next to no hope of that being realised and lack the personal wisdom as to how we might get there collectively. Growth, that ubiquitous phrase for economic progress, could get reframed entirely from such a position.

Granted, more of a Ken Loach sci-fi approach, which doesn’t include much sci fi (if any at all).


is not like other people
i've been reading the news about the conversion of buildings for housing but it seems that the way they're doing it is by getting rid of planning permission, so i expect the developers to pack in as many dingy rabbit hutches as they can, people living on industrial estates basically, with "affordable" being as much of a piss-take as ever. am i cynical or naive


is not like other people
i mean the first article i read about this had the headline "slums of the future"


remember this image?

i think it was posted on here, i don't know the context (like how long was the journey?) but it showed at an early stage of the crisis quite clearly what was going on. Stories are important in this thing
Science obvs is quite important too, but scientists will stitch you up, stories are important

we're already in dystopia though, we could use some rabble rousing prophecies


as a little child i remember stories of characters getting big polka dot type spots or changing into different primary colours, or getting shrank or expanded or growing mushrooms out of your ears or whatever,
obvs at some stage you learn that being ill is not a cartoon

Covid seems to have this wide range of possible symptoms


i was out and about again today
it's really striking how lockdown has added to the bubble effect, i find it shocking how much of everything there is out there once i get beyond my 250m radius lockdown patch

and the scifi bit is how we're now masked up as we worship in the supermarkets, our most solidest temples in this era,
like the doublethink is beginning to manifest physicaly as we face the contagion/anonyimising our guilt, as we shop for our basic necessities and mental health-critical consumer treat


isnt anyone writing about the psychosocial effects of lockdown and masking, or am i just not perusing the right periodicals?


Well-known member
My friend said they like wearing a mask sometimes cos it relives you of the responsibility of having a face, people expecting smiles etc


Well-known member
mask and sunglasses throws a real spanner into your ability to identify and inwardly marvel at attractive people. well, maybe not marvel, but you know.



Well-known member
remember when it was a huge scandal when president jimmy Carter admitted that he once "lusted in his heart"? how quaint. media and conservative religious types were outraged.

now we have a guy who's caught on tape bragging about grabbing them by the pussy and he still gets elected.