Evil Eye


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Should we kill all the pigeons?

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If people stopped throwing food down for the pigeons the birds would soon go to pastures new.

Hell with the Pigeons and Shoot them all. They are enoying birds, messy and a health hazzord. Someday I would like to walk through the Market square and not have to worry about being splatted in pigeon droppings. The odd pigeon here and there would not be a crime, but Nottingham has a problem. If there were rats crawling around something would be done about it, well the pigeons are just as bad.

THey should be prevented from breeding. Why cannot the pidgeon fanciers take some of the responsibility, after all thats where most of them originated from.
Peter Murphy

If they took the shotguns to the 'dirty vermin' who drop the litter and fast food wrappers which attract many of the pigeons, then the excess pigeon population would soon sort itself out. And what about the equally disgusting people who drop the chewing gum? I saw one poor pigeon today with it's feet glued up with the disgusting stuff which had set hard. Clean up Nottingham - starting with the far more disgusting (human) creatures on our streets - and ones who should know better than the poor pigeons!

D. Aleck

Ever get the impression students do nothing? Well they do! Let’s pay students to catch the dam things for the following reasons: (1) Pubs and clubs profits will increase, because any money will inevitably be spent in these on beer. In time they will have to pay more taxes, and this can be ploughed back into the local community. And (2) it may provide a hearty meal for the more adventurous students!
l Acker

I roasted two on sunday. My wife and I enjoyed them very much. Lovely with carrotts and roast spuds.

Shoot them all. I'm a dab-hand at making pastry!
Ian Godfrey
Pinxton, Nottm.

10 pages, the whole world weighs in

"Enoying" - what a great spelling.

Simon silverdollarcircle

Well-known member
It's true I do love pigeons. I think they're magnificent. They can live anywhere, on anything.

And they just meander around in a state of zen calm. Never fighting, or getting aggy with each other. Seagulls, say, have this constant level of aggression and blanket hatred to each other. They're very human in that way. But pigeons are divine beings, angelic. Creatures of love.

oh and they can see the Earth's magnetic field too. I know we don't do facts on dissensus but that is a FACT


is not like other people
And they just meander around in a state of zen calm. Never fighting, or getting aggy with each other. Seagulls, say, have this constant level of aggression and blanket hatred to each other. They're very human in that way. But pigeons are divine beings, angelic. Creatures of love.
they do fight though when they're trying to pull which as i noted above is all the time. two males will be strutting around cooing and one of them will go for the other.

Simon silverdollarcircle

Well-known member
Also they mate for life so when you see them strutting around it's generally all about the reaffirmation of the loving bond rather than them being on the pull.

It's a touching scene that it is our privilege to witness


is not like other people
Also they mate for life so when you see them strutting around it's generally all about the reaffirmation of the loving bond rather than them being on the pull.

It's a touching scene that it is our privilege to witness
why then are the females generally rushing away from the strutting, sex pest aggressor


Cat Malogen
They’ll willingly murder their own for a sarnie corner. The fuckers who attack our bird feed are particularly cunty, might have to film clips

And to think of all the pigeon deaths/attacked/mutilated vids excluded


Latest public service advisory on the tube


fair enough i suppose

The Japanese ones are mental. Used to have a pic of a Tokyo subway cartoon poster with two shocked humanoid rabbits pointing at a floating smartphone with an evil, leering face doing a bit of upskirting. Sadly, I lost it.


Well-known member
craner sent me a text this evening reading, and i quote
fingering my bumhole, feels like fireworks. a revelation.


“People think that if something is not actually prohibited, then they can do as they please,” he said. “When foreigners arrived in Japan in the late 1800s, mixed bathing was one of the things that really surprised them. But that was a time of tolerance and respect in Japan. It meant Japanese society was safe and peaceful. The decline of mixed bathing is proof that standards are declining.”
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2...end-of-japans-tradition-of-nude-mixed-bathing click through for an arse pic