wake up lads its time to talk about sin

excessive guilt is useless as Padraig was saying a while back but i don’t know if we can ever rid ourselves completely. can a value system operate without shame and guilt?


bandz ahoy
So is the idea that we were projecting our self disgust onto the colonised? (Chopping off the limbs of "thieves" while committing mass larceny.)

I buy this. OTOH I think that recognising faults in yourself is an important step to recognising them in others. He without sin might find it harder to cast a necessary stone.

I'll level with you I have no idea what I'm on about.


Well-known member
So sin is inevitable, that seems to be what this all hinges on

Christianity has sin as synonymous with distance from god and finds an analogous relationship between grace-sin and life-death. You've got the broader mythic tradition riffing on the Word-Flesh dynamic, so the inevitability of sin is just the nature of our physical existence, possibly right down to the matter.

If we buy this, that seems to suggest destruction as synonymous with sin, no? Im not sure that sits right with me


Well-known member
Sin and guilt are brilliant and necessary. You can't wriggle out of it. What do you mean by that destruction comment?


we murder to dissect
When I was little I was both amused and disquieted by the rhyme someone had inscribed on the roundabout at my local playground:

Sex is evil
evil is sin
sin is forgiven
so get stuck in


Well-known member
I grew up in a catholic household and remember the first time I went to confession as a kid. I was so confused and put off by the entire ritual that I didn't know what to say when I got into the confessional booth, so I just made up a couple of stories about how I stole some quarters of my dad's desk and hit my brother. the act of confession actually prompted me to lie to a priest, just so I'd have some reasonably acceptable "sins" for which to atone. how fucked up is that?!

One time I had to do it did exactly the same thing, made up some story about stealing something.
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confession is great though, getting it out. its why therapy works. the catholic version is perverted obviously but even still it does a lot for people
therapists like to pretend they're doing lots of really important empathetic stuff based on brain science but theyre just secular priests


Well-known member
I don't know why you'd want to. Science is rubbish. No one likes it. It's boring. It's ok not to be a science. People talk, get a load off their mind, feel a bit more cheerful. No need to draw a graph to try and explain it.
what exactly cant we wriggle out of it?

because of what you said about love in your OP. morality is inherently oppositional and prescriptive and therefore must exclude something and involve a punishment reward system. like we were saying on another thread, consciousness requires dichotomy, natural / unnatural etc... an idea of how things 'should' be. even in the most radically accepting spirituality these exclusions exist (you arent accepting enough), 'should' is impossible to get away from and guilt follows


Morality/Ethics is the key to the whole cancellations conundrum, and the reason why the cancellations trend is a positive,
assuming you can get away from the mire of relativism
I don't know why you'd want to. Science is rubbish. No one likes it. It's boring. It's ok not to be a science. People talk, get a load off their mind, feel a bit more cheerful. No need to draw a graph to try and explain it.
i like that the sciencers have ethics committees, they are so inherently amoralistic that they have to have a special department for making sure they dont turn us all into human centipedes
the ethics committee concept would be good aplied to other areas too - like politics, media, life generally ... ?