The Media Landscape

constant escape

winter withered, warm
Complexity magic would involve the traversal, by the will, of multiple orders of magnitude. As opposed to the normal situation of the will: limited to its default order of magnitude, a sort of myopia of subjectivity, similar to the kinds of sleep states described by this or that mystical discourse.

edit: the extremity of this sleep state could be considered as a confinement to an unchallenged reality, a reality from which one does not exit, from which one does not know one can exit.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
And this project is so broad as to be infinite, so infinite as to subsume virtually all areas of logos. That said, perhaps its particular parameters consist not of some measure of finitude, but of some dimensionality of infinity. That is, perhaps there is still room to grow.

Thanks @version for prompting this. Tied together some loose ends, upped the totalizing ante.

edit: prompted a spike of fervor within the encompassing recession, or perhaps plateau.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
A kind of manic, lucid state prompted by the connection of certain clusters, integration into a larger network, a more healthy and refreshing circulation.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
The trouble is then navigating back into a healthy, lower order ego state. I had just been renouncing such a state more or less completely, but perhaps it has its benefits. Banter, etc.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
Just a run of the mill burst, although almost every one is more totalizing than the previous. Otherwise all that energy gets pent up, actually really refreshing when this happens. Like a heavy hydraulic exhalation, purging the excitement and derippling the waters.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Just a run of the mill burst, although almost every one is more totalizing than the previous. Otherwise all that energy gets pent up, actually really refreshing when this happens. Like a heavy hydraulic exhalation, purging the excitement and derippling the waters.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
But back on topic, the collective social landscape, which is increasingly online, perhaps even now becoming primarily online (which is a shift that perhaps can't be overstated), the generations which grew up with and got their social bearings on the internet seem to have a distinct psychic edge. Personally I'm just before this critical threshold, a bit liminal.

The generational difference, I'd imagine, would consist of the pre-threshold reality being one in which the online supplements the offline, and the post-threshold reality being one in which the offline supports and enables the online.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
I also get the feeling that the first few generations of post-threshold humans are left to raise themselves, as it were, in the now primarily online reality. A sort of digital lost generation.

edit: or wave of generations. This wave would last until the generation of kids whose parents grew up with the internet, parents who could actually raise them in this environment.


Well-known member
How does the distinct psychic edge of your youngers maninfest itself? What have you noticed? How are they getting the better of you?

constant escape

winter withered, warm
Its really weird because the young just take to whatever their environment demands of them, and in that respect the young develop at a constant pace. Its just that the environment itself is becoming more and more robust, relative to the individual child.

That is, much of the edge they have is contextually similar to the edge that the young have always had: a sharper glimpse into the zeitgeist, if even a less intelligible and articulate one. Also the usual edge of vitality, having deeper reserves of energy, more explosive capabilities, generally. In those senses not much has changed.

Really its a testament to the learning potential of the young human, that one can take to environments of exponentially varying informational complexity.

But in particular, I sense a kind of prevailing nihilism across the younger generations, the generations that have been foisted into this new environment without proper parental guidance, no one to chaperone them, no rails blocking the gutters.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
What edge to they have over me? This edge is, again, partially general and partially particular. The general edge they have over me is a sort of social fluency, which I am lacking because I'm something of a hermit.

The particular, generationally-specific edge they have over me is a bit less easy to pin down. Perhaps something about toxicity tolerance, a greater endurance to the danker corners of the internet. Stuff like that frightens me, whenever I get a glimpse into the information/meme diet of the average teenager today.