Do you have any superstitions?


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This might be a fun one.

There's a bit in the AOS book where Baker is talking about how much of a 'thing' superstition was in Spare's era:

"Superstition of one sort and another was also rife in working class London. People might attend Church, as a one-off event, not because they were Christians but to 'change their luck'. Lucky horseshoes were widespread, along with elephant charms (still sold by hawkers door to door in the 1960s and perhaps later). Spilling salt was unlucky, along with the colour green, crossing on the stairs, crossed knives and forks, scissors or penknives as gifts, and passing a cross-eyed person - or a black cat - in the street. A picture falling from the wall foretold a death in the household. "

I used to have the salt one, like if I was cooking, I used to throw excess salt over my shoulder.

And I also had a thing about cracks in the road when I was younger.

Another was not to talk under bridges if there was a train going over, as it would cause the bridge to fall.

My wife doesn't like flying and always orders a tomato juice on flights as a lucky charm.

My mum has loads, won't do anything important on a Thursday, for example.

My auntie is superstitious around scissors, doesn't like it if you do 'empty' cuts, like if you have the scissors in your hand and just cut the air.

Baker quotes Oscar Wilde, from a letter he wrote to a guy who'd set up a society where they flouted superstitions on purpose. He wrote to Wilde to join, and this is what Wilde said:

"They are the colour element of thought and imagination. They are the opponents of common sense. Common sense is the enemy of romance. The aim of your society seems to be dreadful. Leave us some unreality."
Thoughts do arise in the imagination all the time, like conspiratorial thoughts, abstractions of cause and effect throw themselves up and pass, often ridiculous. harbingers that you’re the chosen one or you’re gonna die


Beast of Burden
No, but yes because they are so ingrained. To this day I flinch when I see one magpie, and try not to cross people on the stairs.


Well-known member
bonkers thing i do is when i use a postbox, i 'pat' the front of it once i've put the letter in. it's a hangover from childhood, my mum used to tell me it would mean the letter gets sent safely. that was always a ritual, so i still do it now with physical posting. have to wait til there's no-one about in case people think im mad.


I was reading some of my great grandpa's letters recently from C1910, he was really into showing off to my gt gran (to be) about how the spiritualists were faking it and how clever he was to debunk them ("he had a secret hollow chair!"), he was a young guy and it seemed like the hipsters back then were into that stuff,
so nice how the default position was like, well this is all pretty scientific, he wanted it all to be true, but hold on there's someone hiding under the table


I used to have smoking-related ones: obviously, snap a match right after you've used it (never discard it in one piece); never light a cigarette off a candle, or else a sailor dies; never leave a pack in moonlight; always give one to a tramp if requested.

I also find the C-word (as in the disease) heavily loaded and never band it around lightly. Once got rid of a Subhumans 7" because it had a song of that name on it and I didn't want to be in its presence. Also, they were crap (sorry Droid).

If you salute magpies you have to say "Hello Mr Magpie, how's the wife?" or it doesn't work. I guess lady magpies don't leave the nest?

My family in Ireland lived near a fairy tree. My sister broke a branch off it when she was a kid on summer holiday - then, a couple of weeks later, broke her arm. The Irish relatives also have a thing about crows appearing to signify a death. I have a vague recollection of something you had to do (or couldn't do) if you visited Queen Maeve's tomb, but I might be wrong.

I believe it's bad luck to kill spiders. Not sure if that bad luck manifests itself in this world or after...when you're roused from eternal slumber and find yourself trapped in a web, with a giant cellar spider bearing down on you...? I argued quite angrily with an ex about this, she just wanted them killed on sight.

First time I went to New Orleans, I went to visit Marie Laveau's grave. Every person I met told me to bring her a gift, even if it was just a candy bar. I took their advice. The second time, I left a 'personal' item on the grave (ie, something I'd created) as a thanks for the favour granted from the first time. IMMEDIATELY it started pissing down and I got caught in one of the biggest downpours I've ever experienced. Sometimes it's hard to interpret the results, or understand if/how you fucked up.

If you're drinking Russian Bloody Marys, you have to toast someone or something (could be a cat crossing the road) and say "Nastrovya!" before you down it in one, or, y'know...jinx.

"Step on a crack, break your mum's back".

I try to avoid walking under ladders but that's more the fear that some gormless cunt might drop a hammer on my head.

My mum used to whisper thanks to her Ford Cortina after a long drive.

I had football ones too, about ways of getting to the ground, which block you'd try to get into, etc, but haven't been for years.

What's the score on black cats, anyway? I've heard lucky/unlucky in equal measure.


Well-known member
I've always avoided walking under a ladder, but not sure if that's superstition or just wanting to avoid having something fall on my head.


Well-known member
my wife gets paranoid when anyone tempts fate: "oh, that will never happen", "we've got plenty of time to get to the airport", "these are the safest planes/boats/cars available", "he's in excellent health for a guy in his 80s".


Well-known member
the killing spiders one - indian people in general try to avoid killing all little things... whole karma thing about coming back as the thing you kill basically. jains obviously take it very next level, with their little brushes. more power to em all.


my wife gets paranoid when anyone tempts fate: "oh, that will never happen", "we've got plenty of time to get to the airport", "these are the safest planes/boats/cars available", "he's in excellent health for a guy in his 80s".
Haha yeah, I'm a bit like that. "What can possibly go wrong?" is the equivalent of going "Come on then!" at every cosmic entity going.


Well-known member
You should only ever look someone in the eye if you're trying to intimidate them or seduce them.


Well-known member
I salute magpies, touch wood and get nervous if I have some sort of appointment on Friday 13th. Also suffer from the same paranoia as Leo's wife re: "tempting fate".


Well-known member
Two things I really hate are intrusive eye contact and stupid 'manly' handshakes.


Well-known member
when i say hello to magpies, i say 'hello mr magpies' cos my wife told me that even tohugh you are saying hello to a single magpie, you actually say 'magpies' because that is their surname or something. as i type this i realise she's just pulling the piss out of me.