How have you changed?


Well-known member
Yeah basically the editors of online newspapers have a lot of power given to them by the security services. They could see what I was doing online and edit the newspaper to correspond to that. Even create fake news stories. My psychiatrist believes nothing of it of course.


Well-known member
I can see why he might take that view. But what is Man in the Middle in this context?

Mail Online are not MI5 themselves but they are so intertwined with government and the security servies they might as well be. Half of their journalists brag about being 'above silks' (judges) and boozing with police chiefs and politicians. So basically MI5 can create a story, and Mail Online has license to troll you for months about it. To me, there's no chance I imagined it. To my psychiatrist, I suffer from Delusional Disorder.


Well-known member
Yep I have to. Was sectioned for a month after my arrest and have a monthly 'depot' of the meds. I don't mind though as they stabilise my mood even though nobody actually believes me. :LOL:


Well-known member
I used to wake up to news stories on the television that related to what I searched for the evening before back when I watched BBC Breakfast.

For example, 2 of many... in 2016 I searched for Stasi PDF. I woke up to this being realeased.

I typed a comment 'Crocodile Tears' on Mail Online and woke up to this.

Multiply that by everyday for 3 years and it led me to send explicitly malicious communications.

Simon silverdollarcircle

Well-known member
it's got New Orleans posh real estate tossers, Florentine renaissance art, kidnapping, bent coppers, and a weird psychosexual incest element. It's like what people say watching an opera is like without the boring shit of actually watching an opera. I could hardly breathe at the end it was so fucking good


bandz ahoy
The most notable changes for me have been drinking more and being more decisive. I used to agonise over trivial things like choosing a film to watch whereas now I cba pissing about and just choose something.
Is that cos you're drunk? Drinking makes me very decisive. Sometimes in the worst ways possible.


The police told me it's basically MI5. But Wiki states it's an arm of GCHQ. I was only told it was JTRIG after I was arrested. Sounds loopy but they can operate with private firms like online newspapers to do Man in The Middle type attacks on people. I'd describe them as a modern day Stasi.
Not to make anyone feel any more para but this document is about how GCHQ hacked vbulletin the software that this forum was built with


but its ok cos we just delivered them a mighty legal smiting upon their many actual and theoretical conspiracies


Well-known member
Spring is closer than it was at midwinter, but the new reality is unmapped. Recovery will be fragile, maybe no VE Day everyone off their tits style knees up. Or maybe there will be. Hope is the old pragmatism of not confusing the likelihood of positive outcomes with the daily mental grind. That’s a yes, no and maybe flip-flop all in one.

Change? Consolidate mental health, more treats all round, forced us to look at the nation we’re raising our kids in long and hard where the only sane response (personally) is off Plague Island. It’s been brewing for years, now it’s festering borderline sepsis. Side note, found myself cheering for Liverpool earlier, wtf is that about.
this past few weeks has been particularly brutal.

current mindset is "grinding" - just doing the most useful things i can on autopilot without questioning. without thinking.

in terms of change - i reckon just being a nicer more considerate person about the house - discovering that's the best way to not be dragged down.