
Well-known member
no, they think they are a superior breed. they think they have souls and an interior life, and of course they dont. nobody has those things now.
Yes that's nonsensical. In the thinning out, we're all the same, just next to one another. In fact so close its scary.


Void Dweller

3 days ago (edited)
What programs and plugins would you recommend for music production? Really unique stuff, I'm absolutely here for it. The composition, the samples, the mixing/mastering, all very nice work. I don't even know how to describe this, it's just very experimental and makes my ears happy.
Really glad I watched Pikmin Tu when I was like 10 or else I probably wouldn't have heard this lmao
2 days ago
Awesome! Thank you haha. I used a mixture of Reason, Traktor and Audacity to make this, but if I were starting production today, I would probably just get Ableton or Logic. On a sound design level, this particular mix sounds the way that it does because my hand touched nearly every second of audio directly; there are multiple layers of effects and cuts and shifts and clips and all the rest, which are happening almost all of the time. That was bred originally from a frustration, feeling unable to release any of the projects as I originally intended them to be. When the vibe of any given concept would stop resonating with me, I started feeling dishonest trying to present it to others as if it did (by releasing the album as it were.) So rather than accepting what each of these songs originally meant in my intended context for them, or what they originally sounded like, I essentially 'sacrificed' all of my prior visions for what such a project would entail, and used the music like fossil fuels to power something that was made over a short but extremely focused period of time of a couple days


Well-known member
Samples yung lean or sad boys?

Edit: oh it's a mix. Really enjoyed that last one as well.
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'alternate endings for jeeps' is such a Key part of his meta. it is his great secret, his originary statement. his stolen painting, his fando y lis, his grandmother