Lux the Poet


Compulsory on the dissensus reading list

There is something about Lux. He’s a thief and a liar; he is selfish and self-absorbed and hopelessly vain. But while he looks like Lana Turner and romances like a true Casanova, Lux is actually more like a bumbling, oblivious Mary Tyler Moore.

Amid shouting mobs, police shields, and the hurled bricks of the ’80s Brixton riots, Lux is searching for Pearl—the love of his life. Her home has been burned down by a stray petrol bomb, and she’s searching for sanctuary along with her friend Nicky. Nicky is traumatized after having killed her computer—her best friend—and is herself being followed by Happy Science PLC. It is their plan to breed a superior next generation by implanting the sperm of genius men inside beautiful women. She knows too much about the plan. Lux is helped in his quest by Kalia, a castaway of Heaven attempting to get back in God’s good graces by performing one million good deeds over countless lifetimes. There’s also a thrash metal band, a riot-party, past lives, and KY. Lots of KY.



Wild Horses
I like all the reincarnation flashes in the first book. They do seem a vision of another London now though, punks and squats.


is not like other people
there's going to be a special dissensus event in london later this week so someone can bring one of his books to lend to me.


I like all the reincarnation flashes in the first book. They do seem a vision of another London now though, punks and squats.
yeah i'd almost forgotten them, but they were quite shaping in my expectations of life i think, time for a re-read


thread death
That title is like a flashback to another world - I read it so long ago I now have utterly no memory of it beyond me telling people for a couple of years they they really must read it.