
pass the sick bucket
i was collecting ultra militant techno recordings when these people were talking about how genius it was that Taylor Swift rewrites shakespearian tragedies to remove their tragedy for the modern Western audience who don't see that the very potency of tragedy is its sadness.

even @craner doesn't like Taylor Swift,and one has to congratulate him for this.


pass the sick bucket
anyway you should go see Rrose Horwitz you might not get another chance now that techno is basically dead apart from a select few outliers like them.


pass the sick bucket
This is why I insist london ravers are different to all other ravers in the world, who ruin everything. London rave has always been more stylish, and less about trance hysterics.


pass the sick bucket
You are the modern representation of the Burkeian ideological sublime. Your circumlocutory prose is precisely of value because it is removed, and is that of the inverted snob. In this sense, you certainly cannot be accused of being the typical bovine democrat.


Well-known member
^ over my head... what I mean is that if, for example, some rock icon released an album called Rockin' Music