
Well-known member
I'd like to try it but still traumatized by Faye Dunaway's Joan Crawford, none in our house.



Cat Malogen
Surrealism of forms melding within molten motifs, unintentional juxtapositions, a madness twinkling from fluid eyes beaming from deeply warped faces, makes you laugh too so we tend to look favourably on fleshed out fluid humour even if it is jarring and uncanny. The pope image verges more into direct comedy

Swirling associations of the burger example get presented through lenses of atypical marketing ad, take music away and its normative effects aren’t as charged. Still, a strange spectacle and while not wanting to go all in comparing technologies here to sampling, it is tempting reaching for analogies

Any mania created by unfolding technology and marvel style cgi has to converge and evolve on, surely, don’t know what an artist like Mr Ingram or codeheads thinks of possibilities of new forms if abstraction of motif melding is removed by ever more refined coding narratives

Part of Will Smith feverishly (unexplainably) eating string cheese, as bizarre as the outcome proves, was his jaw moving as if eating whereas nearly every other form flashed just quickly enough your mind gets caught in the headlights initially. Second watch you pull a few more associations/interpretive possibilities out, thirdly your brain subconsciously registers as fact “you are watching a strange animation of Will Smith eating strange cheese” and subsequently gets sub-filed paradoxically under “weird, unnatural, doubt, is it really cheese, what did I really see?” and those doubts never fully integrate with your own memory of the video