
bandz ahoy
Oh god it's awful

As a child air guitar was powerfully appealing but as an adult I don't really see the appeal of guitar solos – at least, not the 'shred' type you get in these thrashy genres.

It's a weird mixture of libidinal groin thrust/sexual howl and baroque nerd in his bedroom stuff. So perhaps in a word masturbation, which I'm sure the wags on here will say I should love then


bandz ahoy
Interesting thing about the bit the guitar nerds are going mad over is that if you don't watch a video while it's playing it sounds like a synth pattern.


Cat Malogen
truly a new form of hideousness, archaism, some playing ability and male menopause performativity

i would never leave our kids anywhere near a man wearing a bandana

wild greens

Well-known member
This reminds me of going back to an afters with a few people when were 17/18 and the lad whos house it was was really really fucking good at F1 on the Playstation but had really gotten into Joe Satriani as a result

So there we were all off our barnet trying to ring one in, few girls in the kitchen as well, and rather than lashing on the tunes he pulls out the fucking 20 greatest guitar solos CD here you go lads get on this

We bullied him into turning it off


Well-known member
@Leo the star guitarist is also a portugese american from the azores check him out

An Azorean Eddie Van Halen. We have to stick together, so I'm obligated to support such antics.

I'd never voluntarily listen to it, but have heard much worse of the genre. Is that faint enough praise?


Well-known member
theres another solo of his you might like here at about 2.50 or so. check it out.

This is what I know them for. They had an album called Pornograffiti one of my mates was into and this was the song he always played.


Well-known member
@version he looks like ferrara dont you think?


Well-known member
think the singers being under appreciated by the community here. hes electric


didn't make it as far as the guitar solo, and despite the singer's forgettable vocal, I have to admit he is inhabiting the role 100%, got to respect the un-ironic posturing - how many middle aged men could pull off a stunt like this with a mic stand while wearing a red leather jacket? "heavy" metal choreography can be hilarious at times - last year I got dragged to a metal concert and I've never laughed so hard in years