Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
my favourite Hungerford anecdote was the shooter was doing his business with random shootings and some old lady came out and ( Tory Voice ) "You're making a racket, please stop" and then BOOM she's dead
I love the idea that someone find the most offensive thing about a random mass shooting to be the noise nuisance.


Is there somewhere maybe interesting you could suggest which is also outside tourist lands or
Shoreditch, the adult playground.
Richmond, the happiest place in the UK
Walthamstow, the most multi-cultural place you will ever see.

Interesting thing to do is to go on buses that cut through the suburbs across the underground lines as the closer people are to major transport the wealthier they are...there are great swathes of London that are like little worlds to themselves and are highly segregated in various ways.


Fertility rates London boroughs. Top left and top right might bring you the most joy. Or maybe in the middle they are just missing a good man.
